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    Emperor Huizong's Royal Ru Kiln Wares+Imperial Porcelain+Jade Carvings   

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Working to bring Education, Honesty to the Chinese Art Market to Help Create Free Open Markets for all People

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My Name is Joseph Sharon I'm a 100% disabled USMC Vietnam Veteran, I don’t like bashing Museums, Auction Houses, or crony dealers but sadly the corruption is too deep, I speak out to expose the corruption that permeates the entire fine Asian art market in America and the World. I started collecting in the 70s and in the 90s I began to put together a very fine collection from private Chinese sources that risk severe persecution just owning their collections that were passed down by ancestors that were in power long before the Communist. Sadly all people cannot partake in the auction process in China or America. In China you must be part of the CCP,  in America if you built an important collection on your own or have one important piece but haven't purchased from the Cabal of Auction Houses or their crony dealers they will totally lie and discriminate against you. This American Cabal of Auction Houses have unwritten laws that everyone in the art business understands clearly, you don't go against them. Sotheby's, Christies, and Bonham’s are the main controllers of the art markets and narrative throughout the world. The Museums, Universities and Crony Dealers are just puppets that will agree with whatever the auction houses want because if they don't they'll be blacklisted never to work in the Art business again or be able to sell anything. It's all about the money. Collectors that buy from the Cabal believe they are buying quality pieces that will increase in value over time and 99% of the pieces they bought will never go up because they continue to lie about rarity and what are the finest pieces and refuse to offer the best pieces in their auctions. This Cabal of liars and thieves are robbing collectors because they discriminate against collectors such as myself. My Collection of Ru Ware and other masterpieces prove they have been withholding the finest from the open market. Many of the old collections that were put together before China was taken over by the Communist in 1949, are mostly pieces that are just examples the Chinese people kept the best pieces themselves. Today the Cabal continues selling the same old collection to collectors telling them they have good provenance which means nothing. When China opened up in the 90s this gave many Chinese people the ability to sell their collections because they live in fear of being caught by the Communist with art collections. This allowed some collectors to put together very fine collections. The Cabal has continued to sell old collections at auction and sell pieces through their private sales and network of crony dealers and discriminate against collectors that have built their collection on their own regardless how important the pieces maybe. They believe they can continue telling lies to collectors that buy from them and get away with it just like the Communist in China you only hear what they want you to hear. During the cultural revolution in the 60s the Communist tried to destroy all the art but the Chinese people hid their valuables just as they've done every-time they were invaded and much remained hidden until the 90s. I can tell you that the Auction houses and Museums around the world are not showing you the finest pieces. In America we still have the freedom to speak the truth to expose the corruption that permeates through the entire art market. Collecting Chinese arts is the same as all collectables the finest pieces should rise to the top and they will in time. Many collectors that purchased pieces from the Cabal before the 80s have passed away leaving the children their collections, they will be lucky if 1% are valuable. The Cabal that is controlling the art market believe they have the perfect scam over collectors and they’re the same as the Communist in China. Anyone who supports this Cabal of liars and thieves are also complicit with their corrupt and discriminatory policies in America and China. This Cabal doesn't care about the historic significance the Chinese people have made to mankind through all the art they produced for thousands of years, they only care how much money they can swindle from collectors

                    All Collectors Must Know This Authentication Information


YOU DECIDE : Peter Combs  # 1 Corrupt Crony Dealer on Internet ?

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Also YOU DECIDE : Peter Combs  # 1 Corrupt Crony Dealer on Internet ?

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100% Authentic N. Song Dynasty Official Imperial Royal Ru Kiln Porcelain Collection

there is no collection in the world that has more proof of Authenticity

    I started collecting in the 70s and in the 90s I began to put together a very fine collection from private Chinese sources that risk severe persecution just owning their collections that were passed down by their ancestors that were in power long before the Communist. This Is The Official Commissioned Imperial Royal Ru Kiln Collection From The Northern Song Dynasty Emperor Huizong's Collection   

They're part of the hoard of 300+ unique pieces from the Collection of

Emperor Huizong of N.Song Dynasty. There is nothing in the world that can compare to the importance of this collection, many of these forms have never been seen before, the condition of this collection is exquisite. It's 100% authentic and easy to prove because of the cuprite and malachite corrosion that took about 900 years to develop on the fire gilded copper bands  and everyone can see this easily with your own eyes, also the crushed agate in the glaze that can be seen with a 20x loupe. Ru ware is all over the internet and the auction houses are still telling people that they're all fakes, this is just more lies. Only Commissioned Official Royal Imperial Ru wares are Rare and they're not all over the internet and no Royal Imperial Ru wares have ever been sold at any auctions. If anyone has any doubt it would be totally impossible for any Kiln in China today to produce over 300+ wares such as these masterpieces! There's only one Kiln in the history of China that could achieve this, that was Royal Ru Kiln of the Northern Song Dynasty and Emperor Huizong. These 2nd commissioned wares the foot rings are unglazed and they were fired flat in the kiln, and this Cong Vase shown below has fire gilded over copper bands that are corroded with cuprite and malachite. It's 100% authentic and easy to prove because of the cuprite and malachite corrosion that took about 900 years to develop on the fire gilded copper bands and everyone can see this easily with your own eyes also the crushed agate in the glaze can be seen with a 20x loupe! You don't have to be an expert to understand this. All 2nd commissioned wares are not marked. The 2nd commissioned wares have an off white biscuit that turns brownish after firing, the wares have a very rich beautiful smooth glaze without any crackle, extremely rare wares have fire gilded over copper bands, This Cong Vase is the finest Vase from the hoard of Chinese Emperor Huizong Of The Northern Song Dynasty 1082 to 1135 Collection.


Below is a row of closeups photos to show you the Cuprite and Malachite corrosion on the RU WARE Copper Fire gilded Bands. (Fire gilding with gold and mercury, the mercury metal being driven off afterward by fire. This type of gilding hasn't been used since the mid 1800 because it is very dangerous)This patina took about 900 years to develop on these bands and this can't be faked. (From the book Copper and bronze in art by David Scott) (chapter 3 page 106 Malachite in bronze patinas) (The natural transition of metal to cuprite to malachite is very difficult to replicate in the laboratory. In fact, most of the recipes for producing artificial green patinas on copper alloys, such as those compiled by Hughes and Rowe (1982), do not result in malachite formation over a cuprite layer. Consequently, the existence of this type of corrosion, supported by analytical and metallographic studies, is a good indication of the authenticity of an artifact.) Also microscopic photos of the RU WARE glaze which you can see the tiny reflective specs of crushed agate that was used in the glaze. The reflective agate specs can also be seen when using a 20x loupe, only Commissioned Imperial Ru Wares have crushed agate in the glaze. The pieces that have been sold by the corrupt Auction companies will not show crush agate in there glaze because they never used agate in Merchant wares. Only Official Commissioned Royal Imperial Ru wares used Rare Blue Crushed Agate in the glaze. The finest Merchant wares have fire gilded copper bands these were given as tribute to the Emperor. Most Merchant wares were sold to the wealthy merchants. The Merchant pieces that were flawed were sold very cheap to the population and Merchant wares that were extremely flawed were destroyed. When Emperor Huizong commissioned the Ru Kiln, he worked with the Ru kiln to setup the site and designed wares for himself and his court and made them his official Royal Kiln. He wanted them to use Rare Blue Agate in the glaze in all his Commissioned wares. The Commissioned wares are generally larger then what the Ru Kiln had been producing, also they have there own distinct styles, forms, and glazes that many have not been seen even until today. They have found the Ru kiln site where they made the Merchant wares before Emperor Huizong commissioned them.

They haven't found Emperor Huizong's Official Royal Ru kiln site yet.


Below are 48 examples of Official Royal Imperial Ru Wares and Tribute Ru Ware Vases

Contact me for Price

Understanding "Botryoidal Malachite" Patina

Formation of Fanlike Crystal Needles
Most crystals simply begin to grow using available molecules. This results in discrete crystals whose sizes depend on available material. But malachite is different. It seldom forms discrete crystals of good size. Instead, scientists say, developing malachite crystals “split”, diverging into tiny needles, packed together in a fanlike arrangement.
The fanlike malachite needles grow into tightly bonded spherules, which crowd together and bond, forming a solid mass. When the spherules stop growing and terminate, the top surface is rounded to some degree. The terms “botryoidal” (resembling a cluster of grapes) and “reniform” (kidney-shaped) are used to describe large to small undulating masses of spherules.

Author Bob Jones Holds the Carnegie Mineralogical Award, is a member of the Rockhound Hall of Fame, and has been writing for Rock & Gem since its inception. He lectures about minerals, and has written several books and video scripts.

 Large Botryoidal Malachite formation

Closely see the tiny round Botryoidal Malachite on the coin

This is a Microscopic photo of one of the Ru Ware Fire Gilded Copper Bands, shows the "Botryoidal Malachite Patina over the reddish Cuprite."This can not be Faked. (From the book Copper and bronze in art by David Scott) (chapter 3 page 106 Malachite in bronze patinas) (The natural transition of metal to cuprite to malachite is very difficult to replicate in the laboratory. In fact, most of the recipes for producing artificial green patinas on copper alloys, such as those compiled by Hughes and Rowe (1982), do not result in malachite formation over a cuprite layer. Consequently, the existence of this type of corrosion, supported by analytical and metallographic studies, is a good indication of the authenticity of an artifact.)


    Click On Video Clip Proves Botryoidal Malachite Can't Be Faked! No one  has ever faked this Botryoidal malachite patina only happens in nature. This Guaranties Authenticity Of This Imperial Royal Ru Ware Collection

      Priceless Past

              Link to Full Video


    Someone asked me about TL testing and I explained to him. This is why I often collect pieces with fire gilded bands because they're more important and much finer done and Song wares with fire gilded bands are tribute wares. And it's a fact that the existence of layered Cuprite and Malachite which you can see with your own eyes and used by all experts to determine authenticity of artifacts and it can't be faked, is far more reliable then a TL test, especially when humans are taking the samples and doing the testing. There is only a few labs in the world and these labs can't be trusted they're bias and corrupt and have been known to switch samples or heat samples to look like they were recently fired, especially on fine and important pieces. Ask yourself why hasn't Sotheby's TL tested their Ru Ware, it's really not necessary and it ruins the piece, you must know what to look for. The materials aren't available any longer and impossible to duplicate them. That said I would not recommend TL Testing and certainly not on important pieces. If you must have TL testing or thermoluminescence dating on certain piece only do this if they will allow double blind testing to be performed and preferably a lab not affiliated with the auction houses. I have not found a lab willing to do double blind testing. If anyone knows of a lab that would allow double blind testing let me know so I can pass this on. I would gladly take a lie detector test on anything I have said, Now if they would take a  lie detector test I may trust them but don't expect any of them to pass that test !! More and more collectors can see this truth and know that this market is so corrupted and they want change.  

    The National Palace Museum Agreed My Ru-Ware is from the Song Dynasty!

    After several emails and photos back and forth trying to donate China porcelain pieces from my Song Dynasty Imperial Ru-Ware collection. The Palace Museum declined and was afraid to change their direction of not showing the public the real Official Imperial Northern Song Dynasty Ru ware to the world that has been hoarded away. This is just another cover-up that the Auction houses and Museums are afraid to show because of all the money involved. What you see in Museums is not the finest pieces that the Chinese produced. Below is the last email they sent me and the last email I sent them. And they clearly agreed they are from the Song Dynasty. 

    Last two emails exchanged between myself and the National Palace Museum

    October 29, 2015

    Hello National Palace Museum,                                                   

             I'm sorry you may have misunderstood my request, I do not wish to sell the National Palace Museum my Song Dynasty ceramic vases. I wish to donate / contribute them to the National Palace Museum. My attorney may have confused the issue, I only wish to give / donate these Song Dynasty Ru wares at no cost to the National Palace Museum, please contact me.

    Sincerely Yours,

    Joseph Sharon


    October 30, 2015

    Dear Mr. Sharon,

                Our sincerest apologies for the misunderstanding and thank you again for your email expressing your wish to enrich the National Palace Museums collection. However, it is still with much regret that we have to inform you that the Song Dynasty ceramic vases you have included in your email do not line up with the exhibition direction of the National Palace Museum. We are therefore unable to honor your wish to donate the artworks to us.Thank you for your interest in the National Palace Museum. We look forward to your understanding on this matter and wish you every success.

    Best regards,

    National Palace Museum

     I donated five Ru Ware pieces to a small Museum

    in Perry,Iowa. 

    (The Forest Park Museum)

    They're the first museum in the world to have real Official Imperial Northern Song Dynasty Ru Ware in their collection

    they wrote below on the case!   

    Ru Kiln Chinese Ceramics  

    The beautiful pieces in this case are from ru kiln officially sponsored by the Chinese Northern Song Dynasty ruler Emperor Huizong between 1100 and 1127 AD. The emperor was an artist who sponsored art competitions, amassed huge stores of beautiful works of art, and even developed his own Calligraphy style. His reign was one of the great cultural golden ages in Chinese and World History. The emperor valued simplicity in art forms, especially the beautiful pottery produced at five imperial kilns. Three main categories were developed, merchant wares, tribute pieces and the very simple pieces sponsored by the Emperor himself. Merchant wares were used by the population and were utilitarian with frequent flaws while tribute pieces were trimmed with bands and given to the court as gifts. Huizong disliked the ornate tribute pieces and ordered simple pieces with no banding. These pieces were fired with crushed agate glaze. Only small number of these pieces were produced relative to the other types and they remain highly sought after. Unfortunately for the Emperor, his cultural obsessions led to the decay in his army. When the Jin Dynasty to the north attacked he was overthrown and spent the remainder of his life captive. Pieces like these became his lasting legacy. The five pieces here include a merchant ware brush washer, a tribute brush washer, tribute vase and two imperial vases.  Noted collector Joseph Sharon collected them from Private Chinese sources.

    Royal Imperial Ru Ware that Emperor Huizong of Song, Commissioned and Collected

    During the Northern Song Dynasty Explained

    Facts that were written about the Ru Kiln and Emperor Huizong in ancient writings that describe Ru wares.

    Emperor Huizong reigned supreme from 1100 to 1126 Emperor Huizong abdicated His throne to his son. He was known for his promotion of Taoism and talents in poetry, painting, calligraphy and music. The Jin armies were closing in and eventually took over his Song Empire and he was captured 1127 and he died in captivity in 1135, from the wealthiest man in the world to a broken man. His vast collections were gather up and stored in large wooden crates and passed down through the centuries. Since China has opened up in the 90s many old collections have reached the market place. My Imperial Ru ware collection comes from Huizong's personal collection. 

    During Emperor Huizong reign he decided to commission the Ru Kiln to produce wares for himself and his court because they were giving the finest Imperial tribute wares to him out of all the kilns. The Ru Kiln Imperial tribute wares that were given to Emperor Huizong was the finest wares the Ru Kiln was producing at that time, they don't have flaws and to make them really special they used several colors and added fire gilded bands on the rim and sometimes the base also. (Fire gilding with gold and mercury, the mercury metal being driven off afterward by fire. This type of gilding hasn't been used since the mid 1800 because it's very dangerous ) on the rim and sometimes the base also. All tribute wares have the fire gilded bands that are around the rim and base and sometimes only the rim. These bands have extensive layered cuprite and malachite corrosion that only occurs in nature and can't be faked. (From the book Copper and bronze in art by David Scott) (chapter 3 page 106 Malachite in bronze patinas) The natural transition of metal to cuprite to malachite is very difficult to replicate in the laboratory. In fact, most of the recipes for producing artificial green patinas on copper alloys, such as those compiled by Hughes and Rowe (1982), do not result in malachite formation over a cuprite layer. Consequently, the existence of this type of corrosion, supported by analytical and metallographic studies, is a good indication of the authenticity of an artifact.) This started some of the other kilns to add fire gilded bands on their Imperial tribute wares also. 

    Before the Ru Kiln was the actual Emperor's Official Royal Imperial kiln they were producing wares that were quite small and have sporadic crackle and were fired on stilts leaving spur marks on the base. None of these wares have crushed agate in the glaze and often these wares had flaws. The severely flawed wares were destroyed, the wares that had severe firing flaws were sold to the population for a very cheap price, These are the same wares that are being sold by Sotheby's and Christie's, and often found in Museums that have Ru ware collections. The better wares were sold to the wealthy merchants and were quite expensive. The finest wares were given as tribute to the Emperor Huizong, he had been receiving all these flamboyant wares from all the kilns. Emperor Huizong decided to commission the Ru Kiln and make them the first official Royal Imperial Kiln in China, to create wares that would be the 1st Official Royal Imperial wares used exclusively for himself and his court in China's history. He wanted the wares to look similar to wares from past history they had to be Celadon color and look like they were carved from jade similar color to the Koryo wares from Korea. He didn't want the wares to have spur marks after he saw the prototypes, they started firing the wares flat in the kiln with unglazed foot rings. Emperor Huizong wanted them to use Rare Blue Crushed Agate in the glaze, crushed agate has only been used in Official Royal Imperial Ru wares that were developed by Emperor Huizong. The 1st commissioned wares the biscuit has a grayish color that turns brown after firing some of the wares have marks scratched in the base most say Feng Hua among other marks, and they all have a cracked ice crackle. Rare Blue Crushed Agate has only been used in Official Royal Imperial Ru wares that were developed by Emperor Huizong. He wanted these wares to be larger than the Ru kiln tribute wares and very modest with simplistic refined forms often they used trumpet formed mouths, All of these Royal Imperial 1st commissioned wares were used for the Emperor and his court only regardless of any flaws that occur in the firing process. 

    The Ru Kiln was now the official Imperial kiln and they focused on making Imperial wares only for the Emperor and his court. Emperor Huizong saw real beauty in these wares in spite of them often being flawed and simplistic because each piece had its own character like human beings he saw beauty. Eventually some of his Imperial advisors wanted more beautiful wares, so Emperor Huizong decided also to have the Ru Kiln produce the finest Celadon wares China has ever produce for himself and the court. The 2nd Official Royal Imperial wares Huizong commissioned are not modest they are very elegant, luxurious and beautiful with very rich glaze and the finest Celadon wares China has ever produced. These wares are all celadon in color with different tones and they also used Rare Blue Crushed Agate in the glaze in all these wares. They have very rich celadon glaze and crushed Blue agate was included and there is no crackle in the glaze except for silver banded wares have a few lines, the forms are very exquisite, the foot rings are unglazed they were fired flat in the kiln, the biscuit is off white and turns brownish after firing, they sometimes used fire gilded copper bands on the rim and base on some special wares, they also used silver bands on the rim only on special wares that used a darkest celadon glaze these have a few lines of crackle. All 2nd commissioned official Royal imperial wares are not marked.

     All the Ru Ware that was produced before they became the official Royal Imperial kiln doesn't have agate in the glaze. All the Auction houses and Museums claim they used crushed agate in the glaze in all the Ru ware they have recorded and the say it can't be seen because it melted in the firing process, this is a totally false narrative. All the Ru ware they have recorded is not the official Imperial Ru ware that Emperor Huizong commissioned the Ru Kiln to produce for him and his court its all flawed Merchant wares. Agate melts at 1600C to 2600C degrees  and the Song dynasty kilns temperature only reached 1250C degrees at best, so this is a fallacy that the crushed agate melted in the glaze, They never used agate in any merchant wares also it would be very difficult to crush agate into a complete powder this is why you can clearly see traces of the agate in the glaze using a 20x loupe or better in all official Royal Imperial commissioned Ru Wares. 

    I've collected this hoard of Ru/Ju wares and these wares have been hidden away since the fall on the Northern Song Dynasty and the Qianlong Emperor did not have the ability to collect such pieces, the pieces he collected were from flawed pieces that were sold to the population and the wealthy merchant class pieces the Ru Kiln was producing before they became the Official Royal Imperial Kiln. The merchant Wares that were collected by the Qianlong Emperor during the Qing Dynasty are all that was known to exist at that time. Until collectors from the 20th century started collecting mostly flawed population Ru ware. Since the 1990s China has opened up to the world and many fine pieces and collection that were hidden have reached the market place. I realize this will clear up some of the questions about the Ru/Ju Kiln wares and Emperor Huizong reign. For many years everyone had to rely on the pieces that are from the Qianlong Emperor's collection, those pieces are very nice but they are not the real official Royal  Imperial Ru/Ju wares that Emperor Huizong commissioned the Ru/Ju Kiln to produce for himself and his court. 

    These Ru-wares are the 1st Commissioned Official Royal Imperial wares in the history of China.

    1st commissioned Royal Imperial Ru ware is explained and written about in ancient text, describing that Emperor Huizong commissioned the Ru/ Ju Kiln to produce celadon wares that would be modest, understated, simplistic and look like the wares were from the past history. Also explained that 1st commissioned Royal Imperial wares used Rare Blue Crushed Agate in the glaze mix, (this can be seen with a 20x loupe) Crushed agate has only been used in Official Royal Imperial Ru wares that were developed by Emperor Huizong. The 1st commissioned Royal Imperial wares have many unique forms that have not been seen before and this all shows the true genius of the Ru kiln artisans. The foot rings on all 1st official Ru ware are unglazed. All of the 1st Commissioned official Royal Imperial Ru wares have a fine cracked ice crackle in the glaze and these wares are also glaze on the inside. Often the 1st Commissioned official Royal Imperial Ru wares have marks scratched in the base and most say feng hua, vases often have trumpet formed mouths and they are larger than the merchant and tribute wares. 1st commissioned Official Royal Imperial Ru ware have an ash colored biscuit that turns brown after firing. All of the 1st commissioned Royal Imperial Ru Ware have a fine cracked ice crackle in the glaze, these wares are also glazed on the inside. The 1st commissioned official Royal Imperial Ru wares were made exclusively for the Emperor and his court. Emperor Huizong saw beauty in simplicity and he saw each of these pieces as a work of art regardless if they had any flaws all pieces stayed in the court, these wares clearly fulfilled his wishes. The 1st commissioned official Royal Imperial Ru-vase shows a closeup photo of a drip of glaze that stuck to the foot ring and clearly shows chips of Rare Blue Agate in the glaze and the ancient writings that explains Ru Ware is proof these are the legendary official Royal Imperial wares of Emperor Huizong of Song

    (click image to enlarge)

    Ru Kiln Imperial Tribute wares are the finest wares they were producing and they gifted them to Emperor Huizong of Song dynasty below are three tribute vases. 

    Imperial Ru Tribute ware Special Sale From $100,000. and Up

    Contact Me:

     Guaranteed Authentic

    The tribute wares are generally small with fire gilded over copper bands, these bands have cuprite and malachite corrosion and this guarantees its great age and is more reliable than a TL test and used by all experts to determine authenticity of an artifact and can't be faked!  Tribute wares are glazed all over and they're fired on setters with prongs that hold the piece off the kiln floor. The prongs leave spur marks on the base and these marks are sesame seed size and shape. Tribute wares have a beautiful smooth glaze and they don't have any crushed agate stone in the glaze. Only Official Imperial wares have crushed Blue Agate in the glaze. The Tribute Wares either have an off white or ash colored biscuit and they are finest done merchant wares, and were given fire gilded copper bands and presented to Emperor Huizong as Tribute

    (click image to enlarge)

  • Sotheby's sold these two Flawed Northern Song Dynasty Ru Ware brush washers in Hong Kong. Now Christie's has sold a flawed Ru Ware Tea Bowl in Hong Kong. They cheated and swindled the collectors that purchased this junk.They should return the money

    2nd commissioned Official Royal Imperial Ru-Wares are the finest celadon wares China ever produced. 

    Those imperial advisors in the Emperor's court requested finer wares so Emperor Huizong commissioned the Ru Kiln to produce the fabulous 2nd commissioned official Royal Imperial Celadon wares for him and his court, this was also written about in ancient text, The 2nd commissioned Royal Imperial wares are very elegant, luxurious and beautiful, they are larger than both the merchant wares and tribute wares and all are celadon color. All 2nd commissioned Royal Imperial wares have Rare Crushed Blue Agate in the glaze.( this can be seen with a 20x loupe). Crushed Blue Agate has only been used in Official Imperial Ru wares that were developed by Emperor Huizong. The 2nd commissioned Royal Imperial wares have many unseen unique forms that show the true genius of the Ru kiln. The 2nd commissioned Royal wares the foot rings are unglazed and they were fired flat in the kiln, and the vase shown has fire gilded over copper bands that is corroded with cup rite and malachite and this guarantees its great age and is more reliable than a TL test and used by all experts to determine authenticity of an artifact and can't be faked! All 2nd commissioned Royal Imperial wares are not marked. The 2nd commissioned Royal Imperial wares have off white biscuit that turns brownish after firing, the wares have a very rich beautiful smooth glaze without any crackle, some wares have fire gilded over copper bands and vases that have no bands also have no crackle in the glaze. All the 2nd commissioned Royal Imperial vases shown below that have a gilded over silver band have a slight bit of crackle a few lines in the glaze, All these vases have gilded silver band around the rim only, also they have a darker celadon glaze with Rare Blue Crushed Agate that can be seen with a 20x loupe. and where the gild has worn they have a thick black corrosion.

    (click image to enlarge)

    Ru-Kiln merchant wares aren't the finest quality these were sold to the wealthy merchants, flawed wares were sold to the population at a very cheap price

    Below Three Ru Kiln pieces shown are Merchant wares. The merchant Wares that were collected by the Qianlong Emperor during the Qing Dynasty are all that was known to exist until China has opened up to the world and many fine pieces and collection that were hidden have reached the market place. The merchant ware pieces are smaller than the Royal Imperial wares and they're glazed all over including the foot ring. They were fired using setters with prongs to lift the pieces off the kiln floor. Because of this they have spur marks that are sesame seed size and shape and these spur marks can only be seen on merchant wares and tribute wares. The merchant wares are not as finely done as the tribute wares because the best wares were given fire gilded copper bands and presented to Emperor Huizong as tribute.

    (click image to enlarge)

  • Fire gilded bands of three different Tribute Vase Masterpieces top photo Ru , Yaozhou, Guan, and Closeup of Bands 

    (From the book Copper and Bronze in art by David Scott The existence of malachite formation over a layer of cuprite is supported by analytical and metallographic studies, is a good indication of the authenticity of an artifact.) My pieces clearly show the layered cuprite on the bottom and malachite on top, this only occurs in nature, this is a clear indication of there great age and authenticity and this is more reliable than a TL test and used by all experts to determine authenticity of an artifact and can't be faked.

    Contact me for Price

    Comparisons between 28 of the Finest wares Sotheby's and Christie's 

    Sold from 2010 to 2020 and Masterpieces from My Collection so you can see the Quality of my Collection

    Sotheby's sold this Ming Dynasty Chenghua palace Bowl in 

    Hong Kong

    Sotheby's sold this small Chenghua palace Bowl in Hong Kong 11/8/2013 for $18,000,000.usd  base has six-character reign mark within a double circle 5 7/8" dia.These corrupt Auction Houses cheat all collectors because they don't have the opportunity to purchase the rarest and finest pieces in the world also by keeping the finest pieces out of their auctions the average collector has no idea where their pieces fit the marketplace

    Click photo to enlarge

    Sotheby's sold this Ming Dynasty Chenghua place Bowl

    in Hong Kong

     Sotheby's sold this small place Bowl in Hong Kong 4/6/2016 for $8,329,524.usd

     base has six-character reign mark within a double circle. 6 1/8 in. They should return the money because they keep the finest pieces out of their auctions. They cheat the high end collector by not offering the best pieces available to them and this just raises the prices of the inferior pieces.

    My Wonderful Ming Dynasty Mark and Period Chenghua

    Meiping Story Vase

    This Masterpiece is the finest mark and period Chenghua Meiping Vase ever published. The samali Blue cobalt that was used during the Yuan and early Ming dynasties has a very distinct colour that is different from the Chinese cobalt used today; Chenghua wares refined the cobalt so well they don't have heaping and piling that break the glaze. The cobalt used then has not been imported for over five hundred years. It cannot be faked! Collectors must know what they are looking at. The beautiful Chenghua cobalt that hasn't been used for over five hundred years makes them very easy to distinguish from other periods.  This is offered for sale.

    Feel free to contact me about this spectacular Vase. 

    ( click photo to enlarge)

     Contact me for Price 

    Sotheby's sold this Southern Song Dynasty Guan Vase

    in Hong Kong

    Sotheby's sold this flawed Guan vase for approx. $14,000,000.usd in Hong Kong in April 7, 2015. This vase has holes in the glaze in several areas. The form is not well balanced it looks like a beginner potter formed this piece. It is not an official court piece and is not marked as such and it came from the same collection they sold a Ru Ware flawed merchant pieces for $27,000,000 usd in Hong Kong  They cheated and swindled the  Collectors that purchased them. These corrupt Auction Houses cheat all collectors because they don't have the opportunity to purchase the rarest and finest pieces in the world also by keeping the finest pieces out of their auctions the average collector has no idea where their pieces fit the marketplace or what the value should be. 

     Click photo to enlarge

     Sotheby's sold this Southern Song Dynasty Guan Vase

     in Hong Kong

     Sotheby's sold this Southern Song Dynasty Guan Vase 4/2/2018 in Hong Kong for $1,620,782 usd. dark brown body unctuously applied overall save for the unglazed footring with a lustrous glaze of pale greyish-blue tone, the glaze suffused with a network of luminous golden-beige crackles 5 7/8 in Tall. They claim it a Imperial pieces and doesn't have any official mark These corrupt Auction Houses cheat all collectors because they don't have the opportunity to purchase the rarest and finest pieces in the world also by keeping the finest pieces out of their auctions the average collector has no idea where their pieces fit the marketplace or what the value should be.

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    Southern Song Dynasty Guan Yao Ribbed Vase This Is Likely The Finest in the World, this Official Jiaotanxia or Xiuneisi Inner Kiln Vase Is Marked and Period made for the Imperial court of the Southern Song Dynasty 1127- 1279

    Check all the books and Museums in the world, you won't find a finer or more Beautiful Masterpiece than this Guan Yao Southern Song Dynasty Ribbed Vase below. It has a thick opaque pale blue with a slight greenish glaze that was achieved by putting on several applications of glaze and successive firings. This thick coat of glaze thinned out around Rim and shows the dark color biscuit and has slight crackle throughout. The form is well balanced clearly done by a master potter. These types of wares are known to be very finely potted with bodies thinner than the glaze. The Vase has the official government mark on the base. The Jin Armies drove the Imperial Court out from the Northern Song Dynasty they were driven south to Hangzhou in 1127A.D. and they setup the

    Southern Song Dynasty.  ppjrs

    (click on photos to enlarge)

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    Sotheby's Sold this Southern Song Dynasty Guan Cup in 

    Hong Kong

    Sotheby's sold this tiny 3 inch Guan ware cup was sold by Sotheby's 10/7/2115 in Hong Kong for $1,249,010.usd . They swindled another Chinese collector they should return the money this piece in no way worth the price.

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    Sotheby's Sold Southern Song-Yuan Dynasty Guan lobed Dish

     in Hong Kong

     Sotheby's Sold this Southern Song-Yuan Dynasty Guan lobed Dish on 4/05/2017 in Hong Kong for $1,557,270 usd. bluish-celadon glaze thinning at the rim, the glaze suffused with a network of attractive golden-beige crackles, save for the neatly trimmed footring unglazed revealing the dark brown body. These corrupt Auction Houses cheat all collectors because they don't have the opportunity to purchase the rarest and finest pieces in the world also by keeping the finest pieces out of their auctions the average collector has no idea where their pieces fit the marketplace or what the value should be. Look carefully at the photos

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    My Wonderful Southern Song Dynasty Guan Mallet formed Vase

    My masterpiece Guan ware Mallet form Vase, This very finely potted Vase is 8 1/2 inches tall, has beautiful form and it's glazed has several golden threads like the Sotheby cup and the dish. This off white glaze thins around the mouth and the foot ring is unglazed this shows the dark brown body. ppjrs

    ( Click on photos to enlarge )

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    Sotheby's sold this Ming Dynasty Lion bowl with a Xuande mark and Called it Chenghua in Hong Kong

    Sotheby's sold this Lion Bowl in Hong Kong April 5, 2017 for over $2,000,000.usd . Look it up they must be kidding they called this bowl Chenghua. It  clearly shows the heaping and piling in the mark and color it's a Xuande bowl no way worth that much. They love to spin yarns trying to make the piece more important and try to make themselves into superior experts .These corrupt Auction Houses cheat all collectors because they don't have the opportunity to purchase the rarest and finest pieces in the world also by keeping the finest pieces out of their auctions the average collector has no idea where their pieces fit the marketplace or what the value should be.  

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    Sotheby's sold This Ming Dynasty Chenghua marked Jarlet in Hong Kong This is slop I can't believe they can get away with selling this JUNK They should be held accountable

    Sotheby's sold this Chenghua mark and period tiny blue and white winged dragon Jarlet 7/11/2020 in Hong Kong for $4,357,988.usd with the six-character mark within a double circle 3 1/2 in Tall. These corrupt Auction Houses cheat all collectors because they don't have the opportunity to purchase the rarest and finest pieces in the world also by keeping the finest pieces out of their auctions the average collector has no idea where their pieces fit the marketplace or what the value should be certainly not four million. GO TO THERE SITE TO SEE LARGER PHOTOS 

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    My Real Masterpiece Fabulous Ming Dynasty Mark and Period Chenghua Lion Jar with Buddhist symbols

    This Masterpiece is the finest B/W Chenghua Jar ever published. This mark and period Chenghua Lion Jar with buddhist symbols is a very important and very finely detailed piece. The samali Blue cobalt that was used during the Yuan and early Ming dynasties has a very distinct colour that is different from the Chinese cobalt used today; Chenghua wares refined the cobalt so well they don't have heaping and piling that break the glaze. The cobalt used then has not been imported for over five hundred years. It cannot be faked! Collectors must know what they are looking at. The beautiful Chenghua cobalt that hasn't been used for over five hundred years makes them very easy to distinguish from other periods.

    (Click on images to enlarge)

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    Sotheby's sold this Qing Falangcai Poppy Bowl 

     Mark And Period Of Qianlong

    Sotheby's sold This Falangcai Poppy Bowl 4 1/8" mark and period Qianlong 10/3/2018 in Hong Kong for almost $22,000,000.usd These corrupt Auction Houses cheat all collectors because they don't have the opportunity to purchase the rarest and finest pieces in the world also by keeping the finest pieces out of their auctions the average collector has no idea where their pieces fit the marketplace or what the value should be. 

    Click photo to enlarge

    Sotheby's Sold this Qing Dynasty Yongzheng mark and period Falangcai Mille-Fleurs Bowl 

    Sotheby's sold this Qing Dynasty Yongzheng mark and period Falangcai mille-fleurs 4" Bowl 8/10/2013 in Hong Kong for $1,862,182.usd . These corrupt Auction Houses cheat all collectors because they don't have the opportunity to purchase the rarest and finest pieces in the world also by keeping the finest pieces out of their auctions the average collector has no idea where their pieces fit the marketplace or what the value should be. 

    Click photo to enlarge

    My Qing Dynasty Yongzheng mark & period Pair of 

    Falangcai Enamel Vases

    These Exquisite Famille Rose Vases are Masterpieces and very thinly potted, and they were decorated in the Forbidden City in Beijing during the Yongzheng period 1723 to 1735. These vases were painted using Falangcai enamels and it is said that the Emperor himself oversaw the manufacture of these wares. These vases are very delicate and decorated with branches, flowering prunus, and birds. On the reverse there is a inscribed poem with three seals. The Yongzheng mark on the base was added by the Beijing decorators in blue enamel. The Yongzheng Falangcai color palette is distinct, making these wares easy to distinguish. This pair of vases are not exact copies of each other which is typical on Yongzheng wares. The Birds on these vases are so finely done the feathers took well over a thousand tiny strokes using a single hair brush to create, their actual size is 1/2 " enlarge the close up photos. The quality of these wares are magnificent, check your auction catalogs, books, museums, and see if you find a better pair of Yongzheng falangcai vases published anywhere. This pair of Vases measure approx. 8 3/8 inches Tall.

    Feel free to contact me about these Vases. 

    (Click on Photos to Enlarge)
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    Sotheby's Sold Song Dynasty Ge Hu Formed Vase in New York

    This is a Ge Ware vase 8 1/2 inches tall Sotheby's sold In New York 9/15/2010 for $1,762,500.usd very thinly potted, of pear shape and octagonal section, resting on a slightly flared foot pierced with a circular aperture on the sides, rising from a swelling body and tapering to a gently everted mouth, the collar with a double-band of horizontal raised ribs, flanked by a pair of tubular handles, applied overall with a lustrous opaque creamy-gray glaze, suffused with black and gray craquelure among finer golden-orange crackles, the footrim unglazed and burnt to a dark-brown color in the firing These corrupt Auction Houses cheat all collectors because they don't have the opportunity to purchase the rarest and finest pieces in the world also by keeping the finest pieces out of their auctions the average collector has no idea where their pieces fit the marketplace or what the value should be.  

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    Christie's Sold Southern Song -Yuan Ge Ware Dish

    in Hong Kong

    Christie's Sold this Southern Song -Yuan Ge Ware Dish in Hong Kong 11/12/2019 for approx. $600,000.usd  THEIR DESCRIPTION "The dish is potted with shallow sides rising to a metal-bound rim from a short ring foot, the centre of the interior slightly sunken, covered inside and out with a beige glaze suffused with dark grey and light brown crackles, with the exception of the biscuit foot revealing the buff body." LOOKS LIKE THE METAL BAND IS GONE AND THEIR DESCRIPTION IS NOT AT ALL LIKE DESCRIPTIONS OF GE WARE IN ANCIENT WRITINGS. These corrupt Auction Houses cheat all collectors because they don't have the opportunity to purchase the rarest and finest pieces in the world also by keeping the finest pieces out of their auctions the average collector has no idea where their pieces fit the marketplace or what the value should be.  Check my Masterpiece Ge Vase that was done by a master potter during the Southern Song Dynasty. 

    Click photo to enlarge

    My Southern Song Dynasty Ge Kiln Ge Ware Pair of Very Rare

    Octagonal Bottle Vases


    These spectacular Fine Art pair of Octagonal Bottle Ge ware Vases are among the Rarest Ge wares ever published. These Vases are the color of wheat and are very thinly potted, Also they describe Ge ware as having an iron foot that can be seen on the foot ring because they used a light brownish clay with a very high iron content that turned dark brown after firing. They describe the crackle as iron wire and golden thread crackle. The Ge Kiln is known as the elder brothers kiln during the Southern Song and possibly into Yuan Dynasties. These vases are very rare wares.

    They measures approx. 8 3/4" tall. ppirs

    (click image to enlarge)

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    Sotheby sold this Ming Dynasty Xuande Mark and Period 

    Blue and White Lobed Fish Pond Bowl in Hong Kong 

    Sotheby sold this Ming Dynasty Xuande Mark and Period Blue and White Lobed Fish Pond Bowl in Hong Kong on 4/5/2017 and Measures 9" dia. The base inscribed with a six-character reign mark within a double circle.

    For approx. $29,000,000. usd

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    Sotheby's sold this Ming Dynasty Mark and period Xuande  Brush Washer in Hong Kong

    Sotheby's sold this Ming Dynasty Mark and Period Xuande Brush Washer in Hong Kong on 10/7/2015 for $3,107,042 usd the base inscribed with a six-character reign mark within a double-circle, the rim metal-mounted  Recently sold in Hong Kong 4/8/2023 for approx. $2,145,560 usd These corrupt Auction Houses cheat all collectors because they don't have the opportunity to purchase the rarest and finest pieces in the world also by keeping the finest pieces out of their auctions the average collector has no idea where their pieces fit the marketplace or what the value should be

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    My Masterpiece Blue & White 15th C. Ming Dynasty Xuande

    Mark & Period Eggshell Thin Bowl 

    Among the finest Blue and White China Porcelain ever produced this 15th C. Ming Dynasty Xuande Mark & Period eggshell thin Bowl Painted with fruit and leaves. This masterpiece has been embellished and enhanced with gilt trim. They used the imported samali blue cobalt and this cobalt has a blackish tone, and when the heaping and piling effect breaks the surface of the glaze it shows  black spots or a silvery reflection not brown that would be local Chinese cobalt, this confirms the age because this cobalt has not been available for over 500 years. The Bowl measures approx. 11 3/4" Dia.   ppjrs

    (click image to enlarge)

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    Sotheby sold this Northern Song Dynasty Ding Yao Bowl 

    in Hong Kong 

    Sotheby's sold this Northern Song Dynasty DingYao Bowl for $18,800,000.usd in Hong Kong 4/8/2014 These corrupt Auction Houses cheat all collectors because they don't have the opportunity to purchase the rarest and finest pieces in the world also by keeping the finest pieces out of their auctions the average collector has no idea where their pieces fit the marketplace or what the value should be. This bowl came from one of their crony dealers in Chinese Art. Notice how they almost always clean the bands, they do this so they have control over you because anyone can see this corrosion and this proves it's ancient. My tribute pieces show the corrosion check out 

    my Masterpiece Northern Song Ding Yao Vase

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    Sotheby's sold this Northern Song Dynasty Ding Yao Burner

    in Hong Kong

    Sotheby's sold in Hong Kong this Northern Song Dynasty Ding Yao Burner on 10/5/2017 for $2,316,800 usd the rim mounted with a copper-coloured metal band with traces of malachite encrustation. NOTICE IN THEIR DESCRIPTION THEY SPEAK OF "COPPER-COLOR METAL BAND WITH TRACES OF MALACHITE" THIS PROVES IT"S AGE. This is why I tell you about the Cuprite and Malachite it can't be faked and proves my pieces are authentic and anyone can see this.These corrupt Auction Houses cheat all collectors because they don't have the opportunity to purchase the rarest and finest pieces in the world also by keeping the finest pieces out of their auctions the average collector has no idea where their pieces fit the marketplace or what the value should be. 

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    My Northern Song Dynasty Tribute Dingyao Vase Masterpiece

    Ding Yao Tribute Vase

    Northern Song Dynasty Official Ding Kiln White Ware with incised lotus leaves and flowers, trumpet mouth, marked tribute Vase. Vase has ivory colored transparent glaze over a white stoneware body, shows some tear streaks in the glaze, Has two fire gilded bands around rim and base that are layered with reddish Cuprite and greenish Malachite patina where the gold has pores, this proves its age and is more reliable than a TL test and used by all experts to authenticate artifacts. The vase is marked and is a tribute piece also because of the fire gilded band.

    Measures approx. 12 3/8" tall. ppjrs 

    (click image to enlarge)

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  • Sotheby's Sold this Northern Song Dynasty Cizhou Meiping

    Sgraffito Vase in London

    Sotheby's sold this Northern Song Dynasty Cizhou Sgraffito Meiping Vase for $609,680.usd in London 5/13/2015 This vase is 11 5/8" tall These corrupt Auction Houses cheat all collectors because they don't have the opportunity to purchase the rarest and finest pieces in the world also by keeping the finest pieces out of their auctions the average collector has no idea where their pieces fit the marketplace or what the value should be.

    Click photo to enlarge

    Christies Sold this Northern Song Dynasty Cizhou Sgraffiato

    Meiping Vase in New York

    Christie's Sold this Northern Song Dynasty Cizhou Sgraffiato Meiping Vase for  $396,500.usd in New York 3/22/2018 This Vase is 12 1/8" tall These corrupt Auction Houses cheat all collectors because they don't have the opportunity to purchase the rarest and finest pieces in the world also by keeping the finest pieces out of their auctions the average collector has no idea where their pieces fit the marketplace or what the value should be.

    Click photo to enlarge

    My Large Northern Song Dynasty Cizhou Sgraffito

    Meiping Vase

     This is a Masterpiece Northern Song Dynasty Cizhou Sgraffito Peony Meiping Vase. This large 22 1/2" tall Vase is arguably the Finest Cizhou meiping Vase ever published. This vase is finely incised with leafy vines and blooms with lappets. This Cizhou Vase has a light grayish body. This is a true masterpiece of Cizhou wares. Feel free to contact me about this Beautiful Vase. ppjrs

    (Click photos to enlarge)

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    Sotheby's Sold this Northern Song Yaozhou Kundika

    in Hong Kong

    Sotheby's sold this Northern Song Dynasty Yaozhou Kundika on 4/6/2016 for $706,591.usd in Hong Kong the kundika is 8 5/8" tall. These corrupt Auction Houses cheat all collectors because they don't have the opportunity to purchase the rarest and finest pieces in the world also by keeping the finest pieces out of their auctions the average collector has no idea where their pieces fit the marketplace or what the value should be.

    Click photo to enlarge

    Christies sold this small Northern Song Yaozhou

    Petal-Rim Jar in Hong Kong

    Christie's sold this small Northern Song Yaozhou Petal-Rim Jar on 12/2/2015 for approx $250,000.usd in Hong Kong 4 5/8" tall These corrupt Auction Houses cheat all collectors because they don't have the opportunity to purchase the rarest and finest pieces in the world also by keeping the finest pieces out of their auctions the average collector has no idea where their pieces fit the marketplace or what the value should be. Check out my real Masterpiece Northern Song Dynasty Tribute Yaozhou Vase

    Click photo to enlarge

    My wonderful Northern Song Dynasty Yaozhou Ovoid form 

    Tribute Vase

    This Masterpiece Northern Song Dynasty world class Yaozhou Ovoid shaped Tribute Vase with fire gilded bands around the rim and foot corroded with reddish cuprite and greenish Botryoidal malachite.This proves its age and is more reliable than a TL test and used by all experts to determine authenticity of an artifact and can't be faked. Has a fine gray stoneware body that is carved with flower heads and lotus leaves around the neck and base. This vase is covered with a thick transparent finely crackled olive green glaze, suffused with bubbles that pool around the deeply carved outlines to a darker color. All characteristic of Yaohou wares from the Shaanxi province during 11th and 12th century. The decoration is carved on angle to promote the pooling effect. The foot was wiped slightly with some glaze but most remains unglazed and has turned brown in the firing. Vase is about 10" tall. Feel free to contact me about this beautiful Vase ppjrs

     (click photo to enlarge)

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    Sotheby's Sold Song Ding Persimmon Bowl New York

    Sotheby's sold this Song Dynasty Persimmon Glazed Bowl 9/16/2014 in New York for $81,250. it measures 6 5/8 " Check out my Northern Song Dynasty Ding Persimmon Vase These corrupt Auction Houses cheat all collectors because they don't have the opportunity to purchase the rarest and finest pieces in the world also by keeping the finest pieces out of their auctions the average collector has no idea where their pieces fit the marketplace or what the value should be. 

    Click photo to enlarge

    Christie's Sold this Northern Song Dynasty Persimmon

    glaze Vase in New York

    Christie's Sold this Northern Song Dynasty Persimmon glaze Vase in New York on 9/15/2016 for $317,000. usd 8 7/8" tall. Check out my Northern Song Dynasty Ding Persimmon Vase. These corrupt Auction Houses cheat all collectors because they don't have the opportunity to purchase the rarest and finest pieces in the world also by keeping the finest pieces out of their auctions the average collector has no idea where their pieces

    fit the marketplace or what the value should be.

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    My Northern Song Dynasty Ding Kiln Persimmon glaze 

    Vase with Wing Handles

    This masterpiece Northern Song Dynasty Ding Kiln Persimmon glaze Ware Vessel with wing handles. The persimmon glaze was also called red or purple and has a metallic look and very smooth feel. Vase has white colored stoneware body the bases were wiped with the glaze and you can see the white body on the inside where they haven't been glazed. This Vase was produced at the offical Kiln Located at Quyang in the Ding county Hebei province where the most exceptional Persimmon pieces were produced. These wares were associated with the tea ceremony and are very fine and delicate. You can clearly see the great skill of the Song potters. Measures approx. 9 3/4" tall.  ppjrs

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    Sotheby's sold Ming Dynasty Unmarked Chenghua Vase 

    in Hong Kong

    Sotheby's sold this unmarked Chenghua Vase 10/8/2010 in Hong Kong for $5,572,355.usd. This vase was not marked an was attributed to Chenghua reign. These corrupt Auction Houses cheat all collectors because they don't have the opportunity to purchase the rarest and finest pieces in the world also by keeping the finest pieces out of their auctions the average collector has no idea where their pieces fit the marketplace or what the value should be. They refused to even examine my fabulous mark and period Chenghua pieces.

    Click photo to enlarge

    Sotheby's Sold This Unmarked Chenghua Vase

    In New York

    Sotheby's sold this unmarked Chenghua Vase 3/20/2018 in New York for $2,895,000.usd This vase was not marked it was attributed to Chenghua reign.These corrupt Auction Houses cheat all collectors because they don't have the opportunity to purchase the rarest and finest pieces in the world also by keeping the finest pieces out of their auctions the average collector has no idea where their pieces fit the marketplace or what the value should be. They refused to even examine my fabulous mark and period Chenghua pieces.

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    My Masterpiece This Extremely Rare Blue & White Ming Dynasty 15th C. Chenghua Mark & Period Windswept Jar

    This masterpiece is a beautiful Imperial Ming Dynasty blue and white 15th C. marked and period of Chenghua windswept Immortals guan jar. The Chenghua period was from 1465 - 1487 There are four panels on the jar, first is the lotus leaves, the next panel is water with horses flying in the clouds above, the main panel is a figure story with a six character Chenghua mark, and the base has a water design. You can see the windswept look that the artist created on the figures robes seen blowing in the wind. You also can see clearly how the Jar was luted together when it was created. The bottom of the Jar is mottled and looks somewhat burnt. The Jar measures approx. 11 3/4 inches tall. Chenghua blue and white wares are the most sought after blue and white wares China ever produced. The beautiful cobalt used during this period makes them very easy to distinguish from other periods. They have a distinct blackish tone from the imported somali blue cobalt they used during that period. They also mixed in local cobalt call pitang to stabilize the Imported cobalt because it was known to run. Chenghua wares don't have the heaping and piling effect because they refined the cobalt so well. The imported cobalt came from Persia and known one knows where in Persia. China has not imported this cobalt since the end of the Chenghua period over 500 years ago. The Chenghua wares are painted with fine outlines and filled in with a broad brush using loose free style strokes. They refined the clay better than any previous period and used high firing kilns, often the larger pieces cause un-glazed bottoms to look burnt or mottled and glazed bottoms will look wavy. The glaze has tiny even bubbles that can be seen with a loupe.

    (click photo to enlarge)​

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    Sotheby's Sold Southern Song Dynasty Jun Bowl 

    in New York

    Sotheby's sold this Small Southern Song Dynasty Jun Bowl Dia. 3 3/4" Sold In New York 3/16/2016 for $81,250.usd. These corrupt Auction Houses cheat all collectors because they don't have the opportunity to purchase the rarest and finest pieces in the world also by keeping the finest pieces out of their auctions the average collector has no idea where their pieces fit the marketplace or what the value should be. Check out my Northern Song Dynasty Jun Vase

    Click photo to enlarge

    Christie's Sold Northern Song Dynasty Jun Vase In Hong Kong

     Christie's sold this Northern Song Dynasty Jun Vase 11 1/2" Tall in Hong Kong 11/29/2017

    for approx. $600,000.usd. These corrupt Auction Houses cheat all collectors because they don't have the opportunity to purchase the rarest and finest pieces in the world also by keeping the finest pieces out of their auctions the average collector has no idea where their pieces fit the marketplace or what the value should be. Check out my Masterpiece Northern Song Dynasty Jun Vase.

     Click photo to enlarge

    My Masterpiece Northern Song Dynasty Jun Kiln, Jun ware

    Vase with Dragon Handles

    Northern Song Dynasty Jun Kiln Jun ware Dragon Handle Vase with very fine crackle with a extensive splashes of purple where the glaze thins you can see the typical mushroom color. Measures approx. 9" tall.  Feel free to contact me about this Vase. ppjrs

    ( click on photo to enlarge)

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    Christie's sold this Ming Xuande Blue and White Lotus Dish

    in Hong Kong

    Christie's sold this Blue and White Lotus Dish 10/3/4" Hong Kong 5/29/2019 for approx. $465,000.usd The dish has a reign mark is written on side  The base is unglazed. These corrupt Auction Houses cheat all collectors because they don't have the opportunity to purchase the rarest and finest pieces in the world also by keeping the finest pieces out of their auctions the average collector has no idea where their pieces fit the marketplace or what the value should be.

    Click photo to enlarge

    Sotheby's sold this Ming Dynasty Xuande Blue and White

    Dragon Dish in Hong Kong

    Sotheby's sold this Ming Dynasty Xuande Blue and White small Dragon Dish 9 7/8" dia. in Hong Kong on 4/4/2012 for $2,392,732 usd. The cobalt with characteristic 'heaping and piling,' the base inscribed with a six-character reign mark within double circles. These corrupt Auction Houses cheat all collectors because they don't have the opportunity to purchase the rarest and finest pieces in the world also by keeping the finest pieces out of their auctions the average collector has no idea where their pieces fit the marketplace or what the value should be.

    Click photo to enlarge

    My Blue & White 15th C. Ming Dynasty Xuande Mark & Period

    Confronting Phoenix's & Flowers Dish 

    Among the finest Blue and White China Porcelain ever produced this 15th C. Ming Dynasty Xuande Mark & Period Painted with Phoenix's, Flowers, Leaves, and Fruit Dish. This Xuande Masterpiece has been embellished and enhanced with gilt trim. They used the imported samali blue cobalt and this cobalt has a blackish tone, and when the heaping and piling effect breaks the surface of the glaze it shows  black spots or a silvery reflection not brown that would be local Chinese cobalt, this confirms the age because this cobalt has not been available for over 500 years. This Dish measures approx.14 1/8" dia.ppjrs 

    (click image to enlarge)

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    10 of My Finest and Extremely Important Masterpieces

      Yuan Dynasty Blue & White Dragon and Phoenix

    Double Gourd Vase    

    Yuan Dynasty Blue & White  Double Gourd  Vase with Two Dragons Running on the water and two Phoenix flying in the clouds. They used the imported samali blue cobalt and this cobalt has a blackish tone and when the heaping and piling effect breaks the surface of the glaze it shows black spots or a silvery reflection not brown that would be local Chinese cobalt , This Vase has a Greenish tinge which proves its authenticity from the minerals that cause this in that cobalt and this confirms the age because this cobalt has not been available

    for over 500 years. The Jar measures approx. 18 5/8" tall. 

    (click image to enlarge)

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    Blue, White And Red Yuan Dynasty One Of Pair, Finest Pair In The World With Applied Flowers And Leaves Jar 

    Blue, White And Red Yuan Dynasty One Of Pair, Finest Pair In The World With Applied Flowers And Leaves Jar Blue, White and Red Yuan Dynasty Jar with applied Flowers and Leaves , also has a rare Cat finial, is one of a pair of Jars that are the finest in the World. They used the imported samali blue cobalt and this cobalt has a blackish tone and when the heaping and piling effect breaks the surface of the glaze it shows black spots or a silvery reflection not brown that would be local Chinese cobalt, this confirms the age because this cobalt has not been available for over 500 years. The Jar measures approx. 16 3/4" tall. ppjrs​

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    This is the finest Porcelain ever published and offered for Sale in the World,"Qing Dynasty Qianlong Mark and Period Falangcai Vessel"

    This Qianlong Vessel is in a Class of it's own. This is arguably the finest piece of Chinese Falangcai Enamels porcelain ever published and offered for sale. Get your books out, check your auction catalogs, Check every museum in the world see if you find a more beautiful or incredible piece anywhere in the world. This Qianlong Vessel has it all, there was so much skill in producing this Vessel it's a must see first hand to really appreciate it. The Vessel has many levels of decorations. The form is exquisite. The ground was blue then incised with a pinpoint in a wave like pattern, then covered with gold. Areas of the ground have small rose colored blossoms. There is two panels that are so delicately painted you can't imagine the total control of the artist that did this piece. The painting in the panels has branches, flowering blooms and two Magpie Birds and much of it was done using a few strands of hair brush and some strokes look to have used a single strand, this can be seen using a loupe. The panel frames are in iron red and on the sides there are two leaves in iron red with a cricket and a grasshopper on the leaf. The vessel has two gilt phoenix handles. There is very controlled droplets of white enamel highlighting the iron red throughout the piece. The inside and bottom are covered in a beautiful turquoise color. The vessel has the Qianlong mark on the bottom that lines up with the main panel typical on Imperial Qianlong pieces. The vessel measures 7 5/8 inches tall. Qianlong mark and period 1736-1795 This vessel sets the bar very high for real Masterpieces of Chinese porcelain. Feel free to contact me about the price of this vessel.

    (photo to enlarge)

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    Magnificent Masterpiece "Qing Dynasty Qianlong

    Marked and Period Famille Rose Vase"

    This is a absolutely wonderful Qing Dynasty Qianlong Marked and Period Famille Rose Vase 1736- 1795. This Vase was created using several bands and levels of decorations and shows the great skill it took to make this piece. Some of the Vase has been incised, the band around the shoulder shows thousands of very controlled tiny pin point droplets of enamel, The Leaves, branches, flowering blooms, and butterfly's are very delicately painted. It's important to look carefully and zoom in on the leaves, flowers, and branches you will see the detail, colors, and shading that gives balanced and depth to this masterpiece. The Vase has a poem on the back and also has the Qianlong mark on the bottom that lines up with the center of the main decoration which is typical in Imperial Qianlong pieces. This Vase Measures approx. 16 1/8 inches Tall.

    (click on photo to enlarge)

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    Imperial Blue & White 15th C. Ming Dynasty Xuande Mark & Period

    Eggshell Thin Flowers Bowl 

    Blue & White 15th C. Ming Dynasty Xuande Mark & Period eggshell thin Bowl Painted with peony, flowers, vines, and leaves. This masterpiece has been embellished and enhanced with gilt trim. They used the imported samali blue cobalt and this cobalt has a blackish tone, and when the heaping and piling effect breaks the surface of the glaze it shows black spots or a silvery reflection not brown that would be local Chinese cobalt, this confirms the age because this cobalt has not been available for over 500 years.

    The Bowl measures approx. 11 3/4" Dia. ppjrs 

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    Extremely Rare Masterpiece Islamic Influenced Qing Dynasty "Qianlong Mark and Period Famille Rose Landscape Vase"  

    Chinese Antique Porcelain Qing Dynasty Qianlong Marked and Period Famille Rose Landscape Vase This is a extremely rare and fine Qianlong marked and period 1736-1795 Famille Rose landscape Vase. The Vase has a Hu form, and resembles Islamic tile in parts of the motif. The Islamic influence shows up in some porcelains for only a short period of time during Qianlong period. This beautifully painted and highly detailed Vase has two landscape panels of valleys. Each panel is framed with two phoenix. The Mark lines up with the main panel which is typical of Imperial Qianlong porcelain. This vase is a true masterpiece tens of thousands of strokes to complete this Qianlong period masterpiece. The Qianlong period was the pinnacle of porcelain in China.

    This Vase measures approx. 10 1/2 inches tall. 

    (click photo to enlarge)

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    Super Masterpiece "Qianlong marked and period

    Incised Mirror Black Glazed Bowl"

    This is a extremely fine Qianlong marked and period 1736-1795 Mirror Black Glazed Bowl with Pin Point Incised Architectural and Landscape decorations, filled in with Gold. This Mirror Black Glazed Bowl is the most exquisite masterpiece of this type ever offered on the open market. Check all your auction catalogs and books see if you find any black glazed piece that can compare with this masterpiece. Each line is incised as fine as a hair. You cannot appreciate this piece in a photo, you have to see it first hand to even try to understand the skill and control it took to create this bowl. The form is exquisite, also you can see how the glaze thins out around the rim exposing the white biscuit under it. The Qianlong seal mark lines up with the front of the bowl, this is typical during Qianlong period. The Qianlong period was the pinnacle of porcelain in China. The Bowl measures approx.9 3/16 inches diameter.

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    This Extremely Rare Blue & White Porcelain 15th Century Ming Dynasty Chenghua Very Large Mark & Period Vase 


    This is a wonderful very large blue and white Ming Dynasty Chenghua Imperial marked and period Vase. This Vase is decorated with several bands and the main band is Fish swimming amongst water weeds. This unusual Vase is very large for Chenghua wares but they did do large wares there very rare. The Chenghua period was from 1465 - 1487. It has the six Character Chenghua mark written in the second band. Check your auction catalogs, books, and look in museums, online you won't find a Larger Chenghua Vase published anywhere. The vase has wonderful form, great color and is painted with very controlled loose freestyle strokes that finest Chenghua wares are known for. These blue and white wares are the most sought after blue and white wares that China ever produced. The beautiful cobalt used during this period makes them very easy to distinguish from other periods of Chinese blue and white wares. They have a distinct blackish tone from the imported cobalt that they used during that period. Chenghua wares refined the cobalt so well they don't have heaping and piling that break the glaze. The imported cobalt called Somali blue, they believe came from Persia and they don't know where in Persia. They have not imported this cobalt for over 500 years. During the Chenghua period they also used a local cobalt called Pitang. The imported cobalt was known to run and they would stabilize it by mixing them together. Depending on the mix it would give very refined colors. In Chenghua wares they painted fine outlines and filled them in with a broad brush using loose freestyle strokes. They refined the clay better than any previous period and with their high firing kilns this often caused them to look burnt or mottled on the bottom of this vase This glaze is easy to distinguish it is very fine, and has tiny even bubbles this can be seen using a loop. It doesn't get better than true Imperial blue and white Chenghua wares.

    Measures approx. 26 " tall 

    (click image to enlarge)

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    Qing Dynasty Imperial mark & period Yongzheng Pair

    of Falangcai Enamels Vases 


    These Exquisite Masterpieces Falangcai Enamels Vases are so thinly potted they're less than half the thickness of a dime at the rim and they were decorated in the Forbidden City in Beijing during the Yongzheng period 1723 to 1735. These vases were painted using Falangcai enamels and it is said that the Emperor himself oversaw the manufacture of these wares. It took such skill and control to create these Vases, These vases are very delicate and decorated with branches, flowering prunus, and birds. The Yongzheng Falangcai color palette is distinct, making these wares easy to distinguish. On the reverse there is a inscribed poem with three seals. The Yongzheng mark on the base was added by the Beijing decorators in blue enamel. This pair of vases are not exact copies of each other which is typical on Yongzheng wares. These vases are so finely potted and extremly thin on the rim. The artist skill and control is incredible. The quality of these wares are magnificent, check your auction catalogs, books, museums, and see if you find a better potted pair of Yongzheng falangcai vases published anywhere. This pair of Vases

    measure approx. 9 1/8" inches Tall. 

    (click image to enlarge)

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    This Extremely Rare Blue & White Porcelain 15th Century

    Ming Dynasty Chenghua Large Figure Jar 


    This is a wonderful very large blue and white Ming Dynasty Chenghua Imperial mark and period Figure Jar. This Jar is decorated with several bands and the main band is Figure story. This unusual Jar is very large for Chenghua wares it's very rare and can't be denied by those so called experts. The Chenghua period was from 1465 - 1487. It has the six Character Chenghua mark written in the second band. Check your auction catalogs,books, and look in museums, online you won't find a Larger Chenghua Jar published anywhere. The Jar has wonderful form, great color and is painted with loose freestyle strokes that finest Chenghua wares are known for. These blue and white wares are the most sought after blue and white wares that China ever produced. The beautiful cobalt used during this period makes them very easy to distinguish from other periods of Chinese blue and white wares. They have a distinct blackish tone from the imported cobalt that they used during that period.  Chenghua wares refined the cobalt so well they don't have heaping and piling that break the glaze, this imported cobalt called Samali blue, they believe came from Persia and they don't know where in Persia. They have not imported this cobalt for over 500 years. During the Chenghua period they also used a local cobalt called Pitang. The imported cobalt was known to run and they would stabilize it by mixing them together. Depending on the mix it would give very refined colors. In Chenghua wares they painted fine outlines and filled them in with a broad brush using loose free style strokes. They refined the clay better than any previous period and with their high firing kilns this often caused them to look burnt or mottled as on the bottom of this vase This glaze is easy to distinguish it is very fine, and has tiny even bubbles this can be seen using a loupe. It doesn't get better than true Imperial blue and white

    Chenghua wares. approx. 26 " tall

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     Jade Carvings Sold at Sotheby's, Christie's, & Bonham's from 2014 to 2019

    Compare Them to what I'm offering "Special Sale Jade Carvings of Similar Periods"

    Sold By Auction Houses Three Mythical Animal Jade Carvings COMPARE WHAT I'M OFFERING

    My Finely Carved Ming Dynasty pale grayish white Jade Recumbent Mythical Animal

    with some brownish veins and brownish inclusions and carving style that confirms its age.

    The statue measures 3 1/2" long.

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    Sotheby's Sold this Six Dynasties yellow and russet jade figure of a Mythical Beast in Hong Kong on 4/3/2019

    measures 3" long for $287,010 usd.

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    My Six Dynasties White Jade Recumbent Winged

    Mythical Beast Statue

    This very finely carved mythical animal has it's three puffs tail flick up on its back and also shows it's female genitals. The fine white Jade material shows extensive russet inclusions and carving style that confirms it great age.

    This carving was done during the Six Dynasties. The Jade measures 4 1/8" long.

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    Christie's Sold this Western Han Dynasty Celadon Jade Ram Form Water Pot in Hong Kong on 11/30/2016

    measures 4 3/8" long for approx. $2,500,000. usd

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    My Warring States Eastern Zhou Dynasty Pale Celadon

    Highly Stylized Elephant Vessel 

    This is a very important Eastern Zhou Pale Celadon Elephant Vessel. This vessel is exquisitely carved with highly stylized details from the Eastern Zhou period The lid has a mythical bird finial. The Translucent pale celadon Jade has extensive brownish, clouding, veins, inclusions throughout the piece and carving style confirms its age.

    The vessel measures 7" long 

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    Sotheby's Sold this Tang Dynasty small white Jade Hare Pendant in New York 3/19/2019

    measures 1 3/8" long for $57,500. usd

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    My Tang Dynasty Grayish White Jade

    Deer And Bird Pendant

    This is a finely carved Tang Dynasty Grayish White Jade Deer and Bird with lotus pendant that has extensive clouding and carving style that confirms its age. measures 3 1/8" tall 

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    Sotheby's Sold this Yellow Jade 'Horse' Paperweight
    17th Century in Hong Kong on 4/8/2014

    measures 3 3/8" long for $856,228.usd

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    My Yuan Dynasty Yellow/Celadon Jade Resting Horse

    With Leg Up Statue

    Finely carved Yuan 1279–1368 Dynasty yellow/celadon Jade Resting Horse with leg up Statue, that has

    areas of brownish russet inclusions and carving style that confirms its age. Measures 3 1/2" long

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    Bonham's Sold this white jade of 'horses and monkey'

    Qianlong period in London on 5/16/2019

    measures 3 3/8" long for £ 43,812 GBP.

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    My Qing Dynasty White Jade Buffalo And Calf Group

    Finely carved Qing Dynasty white Jade Buffalo and Calf Statue. The Group has extensive clouding inclusions and carving style that confirms its age  Measures approx. 3 1/2" long

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    Sotheby's Sold this Ming Dynasty Yellow Jade Mythical Beast

    in Hong Kong on 10/7/2015 measures

    2 3/4" long for $48,386.usd

    click photo to enlarge

    My Ming Dynasty yellow/celadon Jade Kneeling Mythical Beast

    Ming Dynasty Yellow/Celadon Jade kneeling Mythical Animal Statue, That has areas of clouding and russet veins inclusions and carving style that confirms the age. Measures 3 3/4" tall

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    Sotheby's Sold this Tang Dynasty beige and brown jade

    camel In New York on 9/10/2019 measures 2 3/8" wide

    for $620,000 usd

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    My Tang Dynasty Grayish/Celadon Jade Camels Statue 

    This is a unique and finely carved Tang Dynasty 618-907 grayish/celadon Jade standing Camels statue. The carving is beautifully executed with a very well balanced form. The jade material is very fine with extensive reddish brown inclusions and carving style confirms its age. This statue measures a 6 1/2" long.

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    Sotheby's Sold this Song Dynasty carved jade figure of a buffalo in Hong Kong on 4/3/2019 measures 3 1/8" long for $128,810.usd

    click photo to enlarge

    My Song Dynasty Grayish White Jade Recumbent Hound Statue

    Finely carved Song Dynasty Grayish White Jade Recumbent Hound Statue that has russet veins and areas

    of clouding inclusions with carving style confirms its age and period. measures 3 1/2" long

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    Sotheby's Sold this beige jade carving of a mythical beast

    Han dynasty - Six Dynasties in New York on 3/19/2019

    measures 2 1/4" long for $740,000.usd

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    My Han Dynasty Recumbent Yellow/Celadon Jade

    Mythical Animal  

     This extremely fine yellow/celadon jade reclining Mythical Animal. The mythical animal has one leg up and is very finely carved showing the muscles, folds of skin, and backbone. This is a very unique Jade carving  from the Han Dynasty 206bc to 220ad. The Jade material has a beautiful yellow/celadon color with white and black speck inclusions and carving style confirms its age. This Statue would have been owned by the wealthy class because jade was more valuable than gold back then. measures 4" long 

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    Sotheby's Sold this Eastern Zhou Dynasty Yellow Jade Animal-Shaped Plaque in Hong Kong 4/3/2019

    measures 8 5/8" long for $3,423,126.usd.

     click photo to enlarge

    My Warring States period during Eastern Zhou Dynasty Jade

    double dragon Huang plaque/pendant 

    Large Masterpiece very fine Warring States period during Eastern Zhou Dynasty. Jade double dragon Huang pendant. This arc shaped pendant has two dragon heads and it is covered in grain pattern over openwork clouds.The Huang material is translucent pale celadon jade with inclusions that have turned much of the pendant brownish, with small areas of calcification in the jade. This carving is exquisite in every way. It is unmistakably a period piece. The fine lines were carved as if they were just dug out in tiny sections, which you will only see in some very fine Eastern Zhou dynasty jade pieces. You have to use a good loupe to see this. No one really knows what the kind of tool they used to create this piece so long ago it is a mystery. This has confounded scholars since they have been studying Jade carvings. You won't see this in any other periods of China's history. The Huang was produced in the Warring States period 476BC/221BC it measures

      9 1/4" long, it has a small conical shaped pierced hole for hanging 

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