
Critic Report

Sadly Peter Combs is a man that may or may not know the truth of what he's doing.

I just have to move forward and continue to try to inform collectors that there are real problems in the art markets and especially when it comes to those who are in the business of advising other collectors. Yes Peter apparently has been using the piece below to tell collectors that their pieces are fakes, he tried to do that with me now he knows the truth, and if he was honest he would have corrected his lies about me and my website. Botryoidal Malachite formations can't be faked. Peter doesn't sell high end pieces he wants novice collectors to continue buying the provincial pieces he sells and continuing to pay him for the information he's touting.

Bidamount forum

 Peter Combs Made a Slanderous post about me and my site.

 I responded! He Claims to be an expert in Ancient and Archaic Bronzes I explained to Peter Combs that Cuprite and Malachite Corrosion Can't be Faked. I posted on his forum close up photos of the corrosion on the Fire Gilded Copper bands on My Northern Song Dynasty Ru ware. Peter Combs said it was faked and then he used his own Bronze Ding below he posted photos of it which I copied, Peter Combs said the Bronze Ding was a fake and it was made around 2000-2005. and the patina was faked and he claimed he could reproduce this patina easily. Combs has been using this Bronze Ding below for years and it is authentic! You can easily see the Botryoidal Malachite in his last closeup photo. It takes a lot of guile to deceive collectors and tell them their bronzes are fake. 

Hoover over photos and read


This is copper corrosion it will crumble in your hands and Peter thinks is malachite and cuprite crystals it’s this is exactly the deception they pull on collectors to control the market place.

Peter Combs 的铜鼎是正品

在他的推送中,Peter Combs 试图使用铜管腐蚀的例子,但这不是我所指的赤铜矿和孔雀石。您在铜水管上看到的那种腐蚀非常脆,会在您手中剥落或碎裂。下面是一排特写照片,向您展示了 RU WARE 铜烧镀金带上的赤铜矿和孔雀石腐蚀。(用金和汞进行火镀金,然后用火将汞金属驱除。这种镀金自 1800 年中期以来就不再使用,因为它非常危险)这种铜绿花了大约 900 年的时间才在带子上形成,这是无法伪造的。

(摘自 David Scott 所著《艺术中的铜和青铜》(第 3 章第 106 页,青铜锈迹中的孔雀石)

(金属到赤铜矿再到孔雀石的自然转变过程在实验室中很难复制。事实上,大多数在铜合金上产生人造绿色铜锈的配方,例如 Hughes 和 Rowe (1982) 编写的配方,都不会导致在赤铜矿层上形成孔雀石。因此,这种腐蚀的存在,加上分析和金相研究的支持,可以很好地表明文物的真实性。)



作者鲍勃·琼斯 (Bob Jones) 曾获得卡内基矿物学奖,是 Rockhound 名人堂成员,自 Rock & Gem 创刊以来一直为其撰稿。他讲授矿物相关课程,并撰写过多本书籍和视频脚本。


Closely see the tiny round Botryoidal Malachite on the coin

This is a Microscopic photo of one of the Ru Ware Fire Gilded Copper Bands, shows the "Botryoidal Malachite Patina over the reddish Cuprite."This can not be Faked. (From the book Copper and bronze in art by David Scott) (chapter 3 page 106 Malachite in bronze patinas) (The natural transition of metal to cuprite to malachite is very difficult to replicate in the laboratory. In fact, most of the recipes for producing artificial green patinas on copper alloys, such as those compiled by Hughes and Rowe (1982), do not result in malachite formation over a cuprite layer. Consequently, the existence of this type of corrosion, supported by analytical and metallographic studies, is a good indication of the authenticity of an artifact.)


    Click On Video Clip Proves Botryoidal Malachite Can't Be Faked! No one  has ever faked this Botryoidal malachite patina only happens in nature. This Guaranties Authenticity Of This Imperial Royal Ru Ware Collection





    Peter Combs Bidamount 是互联网上低端省级物品的头号卖家,这些物品不是为皇家使用而制作的,几乎没有真正的收藏价值,中国人制作了数十亿件,现在还在制作。Peter Combs 似乎已经成为主要拍卖行的啦啦队代言人,他是一名前拍卖师,显然花时间告诉毫无戒心的收藏家,他可以一眼就分辨出照片中的真品和赝品,他到处展示两件真品的照片,他会说一件是赝品,另一件是真品,这真的让收藏家感到困惑,但却让他看起来像个天才,如果他知道什么的话,他就会有一个很棒的收藏,它在哪里,注意他推销的物品是他的朋友和主要拍卖行的。如果你听从他的建议,这个人非常危险。Peter Combs 永远不会说出任何与主要拍卖行出售的物品相冲突的精美或重要物品的真相,他只会说这些都是假货,这让主要拍卖行很高兴,因为他们知道市场上有很多精美的重要物品。彼得·库姆斯很高兴他们让他继续销售他能卖的所有低端地方作品,因为他们无论如何都不会出售这些作品,因为他们知道这些作品的真相。事实上,每个工匠的技能水平都不同,很少有工匠是大师,这就是为什么你经常看到一些作品是真的,但由于技能因素,做工并不好,这些腐败的专家会告诉你这是假的,这就是让收藏家感到困惑的原因。我并不是说市场上没有假货,但它们非常显眼,而且大多数都是质量低劣的地方作品,因为它们更容易伪造。收藏家必须能够辨别什么是杰作。有些诚实的人只是不知道真相,因为他们经常被腐败的人教导,只是听信了虚假的叙述。有些人知道真相,但却不敢说出来,因为如果你不听从他们的虚假叙述,你就会被列入黑名单,这种邪恶的共产主义策略似乎已经在各行各业中扎根。



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