



China Porcelain Qing Dynasty Imperial Qianlong Marked and Period

Famille Rose Vase 



这件中国瓷器是一件绝对精美的清朝乾隆时期粉彩花瓶,1736-1795 年。这件花瓶采用多条饰带和多个层次的装饰制作而成,展现了制作这件作品的高超技艺。一些花瓶已雕刻,肩部周围的带子显示出数千个非常受控制的微小针点珐琅滴,叶子、树枝、花朵和蝴蝶都画得非常精致。仔细观察并放大叶子、花朵、和树枝,你会看到细节、颜色和阴影,这些都为这件作品提供了平衡和深度。收藏家必须学会识别好作品与伟大作品或杰作之间的差异。大多数清代作品如果你仔细观察,你会发现看看并理解它们是由不太熟练的艺术家画的,它们看起来平淡无奇,没有平衡、细节或深度。注意细节和色彩平衡以及阴影,这将帮助您看到并理解差异。这个花瓶的大部分装饰都用了几根毛刷,有些笔触看起来是用一根毛刷做的。蓝色底座上有一个轻微的烧制瑕疵,蓝色略微缩小,你可以看到几个小的白色区域。花瓶背面有一首诗,底部有乾隆标记,与主要装饰的中心对齐,这是中国瓷器乾隆时期的典型特征。此花瓶高约 16 1/8 英寸。






This Qianlong Falangcai Vessel is in a Class of it's own. This is arguably the finest piece of Chinese Falangcai enamels  porcelain ever published and offered for sale. Get your books out, check your auction catalogs, Check every museum in the world see if you find a more beautiful or incredible piece anywhere in the world. This Qianlong Vessel has it all, there was so much skill in producing this Vessel it's a must see first hand to really appreciate it. The Vessel has many levels of decorations. The form is exquisite. The ground was blue then incised with a pinpoint in a wave like pattern, then covered with gold. Areas of the ground have small rose colored blossoms. There is two panels that are so delicately painted you can't imagine the total control of the artist that did this piece. The painting in the panels has branches, flowering blooms and two Magpie Birds and much of it was done using a few strands of hair brush and some strokes look to have used a single strand, this can be seen using loupe. The panel frames are in iron red and on the sides there are two leaves in iron red with a cricket and a grasshopper on the leaf. The vessel has two gold phoenix handles. There is very controlled droplets of white enamel highlighting the iron red throughout the piece. The inside and bottom are covered in a beautiful turquoise color. The vessel has the Qianlong mark on the bottom that lines up with the main panel typical on Imperial Qianlong pieces. The vessel measures 7 5/8" tall Qianlong mark and period 1736-1795 This vessel sets the bar very high for real Masterpieces of Chinese porcelain. Feel free to contact me about this vessel. 

(Click photo to enlarge)

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这些精美绝伦的珐琅彩花瓶壶身非常薄,雍正年间(1723 年至 1735 年)在北京紫禁城内装饰。这些花瓶采用珐琅彩绘制,据说皇帝亲自监督这些瓷器的制作。制作这些花瓶需要如此的技巧和控制力,仔细观察,你就会明白真正的中国陶瓷杰作是什么样子。仔细观察并放大叶子、花朵和树枝很重要,你会看到细节、颜色以及赋予这些花瓶平衡感和深度的阴影。收藏家必须学会识别好作品与伟大作品或杰作之间的差异。大多数清代作品如果你仔细观察,就会发现它们是由技艺较差的画家绘制的艺术家,它们看起来会很平淡,没有平衡、细节或深度。注意细节和色彩平衡以及阴影,这将帮助您看到并理解差异。这些花瓶造型精致,饰有枝叶、梅花和飞鸟图案。雍正珐琅彩色彩鲜明,易于辨别。背面有诗句,并有三枚印章。底部的雍正款为添加款由北京的蓝釉彩装饰师制作。这对花瓶并非雍正瓷器上常见的一模一样的复制品。这些花瓶上的鸟非常精细,羽毛用一把毛刷画了上千个细小的笔触才能完成创造它们的身体,这只能使用循环来看到。放大照片,你就能看见鸟身上的细小笔触,它们的身体只有大约 1/2 英寸宽。艺术家的技巧和控制力是令人难以置信。这些器皿的质量非常好,请查看您的拍卖目录、书籍、博物馆,看看您是否能找到更好的一对雍正珐琅彩花瓶。这对花瓶

尺寸约为 8 3/8 英寸高。






这是一件非常精美的乾隆御制 1736-1795 年款镜面黑釉碗,刻有建筑和山水纹饰,内填金饰。这款镜面黑釉碗是公开市场上此类产品中最精美的杰作。查看所有拍卖目录和书籍,看看是否有任何黑釉作品可以与这件杰作相媲美。每条线都刻得像头发一样细。你无法在照片中欣赏这件作品,你必须亲眼看到它甚至尝试去理解制作这个碗所需的技巧和控制力。形状精美,你还可以看到釉料在边缘周围变薄,露出下面的白色饼干。收藏家必须学会识别一件好作品的不同之处与伟大的作品或杰作相比。如果你仔细观察,你会发现大多数清朝作品是由技艺较差的艺术家创作的,它们看起来很平淡,没有平衡感、细节或深度。注意细节和色彩平衡以及阴影,这将有助于您看到并理解差异。乾隆印章标记与碗的正面对齐,这是乾隆时期的典型特征。乾隆时期是中国瓷器的巅峰. 碗的尺寸

直径约 9 3/16 英寸。






中国古董瓷器清朝乾隆时期粉彩山水花瓶这是一款极为罕见的精美乾隆时期粉彩山水花瓶。花瓶呈胡式,部分图案类似于伊斯兰瓷砖。清乾隆时期,一些瓷器只在很短的一段时间内出现了伊斯兰影响。这只花瓶画得非常精美,细节丰富,有两个山谷风景画板。每个画板都镶有两只凤凰。标记与主画板对齐,主画板是典型的乾隆瓷器。这个花瓶是乾隆时期的真正杰作。乾隆时期是中国瓷器的巅峰时期。这个花瓶高约 10 1/2 英寸。请随时与我联系以了解这个花瓶。





This is a finely carved Qianlong mark and period Vase in the form of a Hu,The Vase has Five finely carved five claw dragons in the clouds above the water, and is covered with a beautiful Celadon Glaze, also has two Deer head handles. It has the Qianlong mark that lines up with the main Facing Dragon typical of Qianlong wares.The Vase measures approx 

12 3/4" Tall 

(click image to enlarge)

Yellow Ground Imperial Qianlong mark & period Incised Qing Dynasty

100 Moths Vase


This is a fine yellow ground Qing Dynasty Vase that is decorated with incised Moths, Fruit's, and Flower's, and they are filled in with rather thick enamel colors, the rest of the Vase was done with thin enamels Vase has Beautiful form and very beautifully painted and very detailed. This Vase has the blue under-glaze Qianlong Mark on the base. The Vase measures 16 3/4" Tall and it is a marked and period Vase. 

(click image to enlarge)




此件清代康熙款花瓶,造型优美,青花花瓶上装饰有岩石牡丹和两只喜鹊在树枝上,背面有一首诗。 注意细节和色彩平衡以及阴影,这将帮助您看到和理解什么是精美的康熙青花。底座上的双圆圈上有康熙标记。花瓶做工精良,尺寸约为 12 5 /8 英寸高



Qing Dynasty Imperial mark & period Yongzheng Pair

of Falangcai Enamels Vases 



这些精美绝伦的珐琅彩花瓶壶身非常薄,边缘厚度不到一角硬币的一半,雍正年间(1723 年至 1735 年)在北京紫禁城装饰。这些花瓶用珐琅彩绘制,据说这些瓷器的制作都是皇帝亲自监督的。制作这些花瓶需要如此的技巧和控制力,这些花瓶非常精致,装饰着树枝、梅花和鸟。雍正珐琅彩的色调独特,使得这些器物很容易区分。背面有一首诗,上面有三个印章。底座上的雍正款是北京装饰师用蓝釉添加的。这对花瓶并不是彼此完全相同的复制品,这是雍正时期的典型特征器皿。这些花瓶的壶身非常精致,瓶口非常薄。艺术家的技巧和控制力令人难以置信。这些器物的质量非常好,请查看拍卖目录、书籍、博物馆,看看是否能找到更好的一对雍正珐琅彩花瓶。这对花瓶

尺寸约为。9 1/8" 英寸高。






This Qing Dynasty Marked and period Qianlong Vase has beautiful form a red ground, and is finely painted with gold branches and blooms and eight Birds done in black and white enamels. The gold painting was done using loose freestyle strokes, and the Birds feathers were done using a very fine brush. It's important to look carefully and zoom in on the details, color, and shading that gives balance and depth to this piece. Pay attention to the details and color balance and shading this will help you to see and understand what makes Imperial Qianlong porcelain. The Qianlong seal mark lines up with center of the painting which is typical of Imperial Qianlong porcelain. The Qianlong period was the pinnacle of porcelain in China.The Vase was very well done and measures approx.18 1/2 " Tall 

(click image to enlarge)

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Qing Dynasty Imperial Qianlong Seal Mark & Period Monochrome

Egg Yolk Yellow Vase


Qing Dynasty Imperial Qianlong Seal Mark & Period Monochrome Egg Yolk Yellow Vase This is a beautiful slender Vase with trumpet mouth it shows iron reddish marks from the firing on the foot ring measures approx. 11 7/8 " Tall 

(click image to enlarge)

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Qing Dynasty Imperial Kangxi Mark & Period Monochrome

Lemon Yellow Vase


清朝康熙御制单色柠檬黄瓶 这是一款漂亮的柠檬黄木槌形瓶。 足圈显示出烧制时产生的轻微铁红色痕迹。 尺寸约为 8 1/4 英寸高





清朝雍正款斗彩四季花卉月瓶,花朵盛开。斗彩意为对比色,他们使用了雍正时期典型的粉彩珐琅调色板。该瓶尺寸约为 12 1/2 英寸高大的 ppjrs





This Qing Dynasty Marked and period Qianlong Rooster Vase, has a yellow ground and is finely painted with three Roosters, Butterflies, Birds, and colorful Flowering blooms. On the back it has inscribed poem with three seal marks. Most of painting was done using loose free style strokes, and parts were done with fine detail using a very fine brush. It's important to look carefully and zoom in on the details, color, and shading that gives balance and depth to this piece. Collectors must learn to recognize the differences of a good piece compared to a great pieces or masterpieces. Often Qing pieces if you look close at them you will see and understand they were painted by a less skilled artist, they will look flat without balance, detail or depth. Pay attention to the details and color balance and shading this will help you to see and understand the difference. The Qianlong seal mark lines up with center of the painting which is typical of Imperial Qianlong porcelain. The Qianlong period was the pinnacle of porcelain in China.The vase was very well done and measures approx.17 1/2 " Tall 

(click image to enlarge)

Qing Dynasty Imperial Yongzheng Mark & Period Dragon

And Phoenix Dish


Qing Dynasty Yongzheng mark & period Dragon and Phoenix in the clouds Dish. Doucai means contrasting colors and they used the Fencai pallet of enamels which was typical during the Yongzheng reign. The Dish

measures approx. 17 7/8" dia. ppjrs 

(click image to enlarge)

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瓷器 独特 清朝 乾隆



This is a wonderful unique Mark and Period Qing Dynasty Qianlong Vase, It has a Brown Glaze that has been very finely painted with Gold scrolling vines and chrysanthemums, also it has molded attached Branches, Peaches, and Mushrooms rapping around the Vase. The base has a impressed Qianlong Mark.

The Vase measures approx. 11 5/8 " Tall

 (click image to enlarge)

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约 12 3/4" 高,是一个有标记的时期花瓶。



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