


 Most Of These Guan Wares Were Done In The Xiuneisi Inner Kiln,

And They're Among The Finest In The World

(From Sotheby's Catalog) One of the earliest references to guan kilns may be found in Tan zhai bihen [Composed measures from the Tan Studio], written by the Southern Song scholar Ye Zhi: ‘The kiln [site] at Xiuneisi, referred to as the inner kiln, inherited the production [method] of the ancient capital and produced celadon wares that used clear clay as standard. [These wares were] extremely fine with a glossy coloured [glaze] that was lustrous and translucent. They were treasured [by everyone] in the realm. Subsequently, a different new kiln was established at Jituotianxia [which produced wares that were] greatly different from [that produced at the] old kiln.’

官窑棱纹花瓶 这可能是世界上最好的一件官窑花瓶,此件官窑角坛下或修内司内窑花瓶带有标记,为南宋宫廷所制,年代为 1127-1279 年

查阅世界上所有的书籍和博物馆,你不会找到比下面这个官窑南宋棱纹花瓶更精美或更美丽的杰作。这个花瓶很可能是在官方修内司内窑或可能是焦坛下窑制作的。它有一种厚厚的不透明的淡蓝色,略带绿色,这是通过多次上釉和连续烧制而实现的。这层厚釉在边缘周围变薄,呈现出深赭褐色饼干色,整个花瓶略有裂纹。形状非常平衡,显然是由一位陶艺大师完成的。这类器皿以非常精细的陶罐而闻名,其胎体比釉层更薄。花瓶底部有官方政府标记。金军将朝廷赶出了北宋,他们于公元 1127 年被赶到杭州南部,建立了南宋。ppjrs






南宋箭瓶杰作,官窑官窑御制时期官窑花瓶,由官方修内司内窑制作。有几层厚的蓝釉,略带绿色的半透明釉,用薄胎和较厚的釉制成底部有釉料积聚。这个美丽的半透明蓝纹釉箭形花瓶底部有官方的关公标记。还有一个铁脚,烧制而成,深赭石色来自他们使用的棕色粘土。金军驱赶了朝廷公元 1127 年,他们被赶出北宋,南迁杭州,建立了 南宋。尺寸约为 8 3/8" 高 ppjrs






南宋虎柄瓶杰作,官窑修内司官窑御制时期官窑虎柄瓶,由修内司官窑内窑制作。有几层厚厚的绿釉,用薄坯制成。这件美丽的绿釉瓶非常微弱的裂纹釉曲线长方形花瓶底部有官府的官方标记。还有一个铁脚,烧制而成,深棕色,因为使用了棕色粘土。金军将朝廷赶出了北宋,他们公元 1127 年,他们被赶到杭州,建立了 南宋。尺寸约为 8 7/8" 高 ppjrs



Southern Song Dynasty Guan Yao Official Xiuneisi Inner Kiln Imperial Guan ware Marked and Period Ribbed Vase 

(World Class)


南宋 罗纹瓶 杰作,官窑官窑修内司窑 御制时期官窑花瓶,在官窑内窑制作。 有几层厚的蓝釉,略带绿色的半透明釉,用薄胎和较厚的胎体制成底部有釉料积聚。这个美丽的蓝色带绿色裂纹釉肋花瓶,底部有官方的关公标记。还有一个铁脚,烧制而成,深赭石色来自他们使用的棕色粘土。金军驱逐北宋朝廷,公元 1127 年被赶到杭州,建立了 南宋。尺寸约为 9 1/8" 高 ppjrs






Southern Song Dynasty Oval Vase Masterpiece, Guan Yao Official Xiuneisi Kiln Imperial Mark period Guan ware Vase that was done in the official Xiuneisi inner kiln. Has had several layers of thick bluish with a tinge of greenish translucent Glaze which was done with a thin body and thicker pooling glaze on the base. This Beautiful greenish bluish transparent crackle glazed Bottle Vase has the official government Guan mark on the base. Also has a iron foot from firing and the dark brown color from the ochre brown clay they used. The Jin Armies drove the Imperial Court out from the Northern Song Dynasty they were driven south to Hangzhou in 1127A.D. and they setup the Southern Song Dynasty. measures approx 9 1/8" tall ppjrs 

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Song Dynasty Guan Yao Official Kiln Imperial period Guan ware Bamboo Neck Bottle Vase. has crackled Beige glazed Vase with fire gild bands around the rim and base that have layered reddish cuprite and greenish Botryoidal malachite corrosion that seeped through the pores of fire gilded copper bands which guarantees its great age, is a clear indication of there great age and authenticity and this is more reliable than a TL test and used by all experts to determine authenticity of an artifact and can't be faked. Also has a iron foot from firing that's dark brown color. The Jin Armies drove the Imperial Court out from the Northern Song Dynasty they were driven south to Hangzhou in 1127A.D. and they setup the Southern Song Dynasty.

measures approx 5 5/8" tall ppjrs 

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Southern Song Dynasty Square Ribbed Vase Masterpiece, Guan Yao Official Xiuneisi Kiln Imperial Mark period Guan ware Vase that was done in the official inner kiln. Has had several layers of thick Bluish with a tinge of greenish Glaze which was done with a thin body and thicker glaze pooling on the base. This Beautiful translucent Bluish faint crackle glazed Square Ribbed Vase has the official government Guan mark on the base. Also has a iron foot from firing and the dark ochre brown color from the brown clay they used. Xiu Nei Si apparently refers to the Department of palace supply, The Jin Armies drove the Imperial Court out from the Northern Song Dynasty they were driven south to Hangzhou in 1127A.D. and they setup the Southern Song Dynasty. measures approx 9 1/4" tall ppjrs 

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Southern Song Dynasty Hexagon Vase Masterpiece, Guan Yao Official Xiuneisi Kiln Imperial Mark period Guan ware Hexagon with Tiger Handles Vase that was done in the official inner kiln. Has had several layers of thick Bluish with a tinge of greenish translucent Glaze which was done with a thin body and thicker glaze pooling on the base. This Beautiful Bluish crackled Transparent glazed Hexagon Vase has the official government Guan mark on the base. Also has a iron foot from firing and the dark ochre brown color from the brown clay they used. Xiu Nei Si apparently refers to the Department of palace supply. The Jin Armies drove the Imperial Court out from the Northern Song Dynasty they were driven south to Hangzhou in 1127A.D. and they setup the  Southern Song Dynasty. measures approx 9 1/4" tall ppjrs 

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南宋 壶形提瓶 杰作,官窑官窑修内司窑御制时期官窑花瓶,在官窑内窑制作。有几层厚的蓝绿色半透明釉,用细身管状把手,底部有较厚的釉料池。这款美丽的半透明蓝纹裂纹釉壶形花瓶底部有官方的关公标记。此外,还有一个铁脚,烧制而成,深赭褐色,这是由于它们所用的棕色粘土所致。修内司显然是指宫廷供应部门。金军将朝廷赶出北宋,公元 1127 年被赶到杭州,并建立了 南宋。

尺寸约为 9 1/8" 高 ppjrs






南宋 喇叭口瓶 杰作,官窑修内司官窑御制时期 官窑花瓶,由修内司官窑内窑制作。 瓶身薄,胎体肥厚,釉色为青色,略带绿色。底部有较厚的釉料。这款美丽的半透明蓝纹釉喇叭口花瓶底部有官方的关公标记。还有一个铁脚,烧制而成,深赭褐色,这是他们使用的棕色粘土造成的。显然是修内寺指宫廷供应部。金军将朝廷赶出北宋,公元 1127 年被赶到杭州,并建立了 南宋。尺寸约为 9 1/4" 高 ppjrs






Southern Song Dynasty Cong Form Vase Masterpiece, Guan Yao Official Xiuneisi Kiln Imperial Mark period Guan ware Cong Form Vase that was done in the Official Xiuneisi inner kiln. Has had several layers of thick Bluish with a tinge of greenish Glaze which was done with a thin body and thicker glaze on the base. This Beautiful Bluish Translucent crackle glazed Cong Vase has the official government Guan mark on the base. Also has a iron four feet base from firing and the dark ochre brown color fo the clay they used. Xiu Nei Si apparently refers to the Department of palace supply. The Jin Armies drove the Imperial Court out from the Northern Song Dynasty they were driven south to Hangzhou in 1127A.D. and they setup 

the Southern Song Dynasty. measures approx. 9 3/8" tall ppjrs 

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尺寸约为 9 1/4" 高 ppjrs



Southern Song Dynasty Guan Yao Official Xiuneisi Inner Kiln Imperial Guan ware Marked and Period Octagon Hu-form Vase 

(World Class)


南宋八方壶形瓶 杰作,官窑修内司官窑御制时期官窑花瓶,由修内司官窑内窑烧制而成。胎体薄,釉层厚,釉色柔和,釉面均匀。底座。这个美丽的半透明绿色非常微裂纹釉的壶形花瓶底座上有官府的官方标记。还有一个铁脚,烧制而成,颜色深棕色,因为他们使用了棕色粘土。秀内寺显然指的是宫廷补给司蜀司。金军将北宋朝廷赶出,公元1127年被赶到杭州,并建立了 南宋。尺寸约为 8 3/4" 高 ppjrs






Southern Song Dynasty Double Gourd Bottle Vase Masterpiece, Guan Yao Official Kiln Imperial Mark period Guan ware  Double Gourd Bottle Vase that was done in the official Xiuneisi inner kiln. Has had several layers of thick Bluish with a tinge of Greenish Glaze which was done with a thin body and thicker glaze. This Beautiful Bluish Greenish crackled glazed Bottle Vase has the official government Guan mark on the base. Also has three iron feet from firing and the dark ochre brown color from the brown clay they used. Xiu Nei Si apparently refers to the Department of palace supply Shunai Division. The Jin Armies drove the Imperial Court out from the Northern Song Dynasty they were driven south to Hangzhou in 1127A.D. and they setup the Southern Song Dynasty. measures approx 9 1/4" tall ppjrs 

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Southern Song Dynasty Guan Yao Official Xiuneisi Inner Kiln Imperial Guan ware Marked and Period Octagon Hu-form Vase 

(World Class)


Southern Song Dynasty Octagon Hu-form Vase Masterpiece, Guan Yao Official Kiln Imperial Mark period Guan ware Vase that was done in the official Xiuneisi inner kiln. Has had several layers of thick Bluish with a Tinge of Greenish Glaze which was done with a thin body and thicker glaze pooling on the base. This Beautiful translucent Bluish crackled glazed Hu-form Vase has the official government Guan mark on the base. Also has a iron foot from firing and the dark ochre brown color from the brown clay they used. The Jin Armies drove the Imperial Court out from the Northern Song Dynasty they were driven south to Hangzhou in 1127A.D. and they setup the Southern Song Dynasty. measures approx 8 1/2" tall ppjrs 

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南宋 斜角瓶 杰作,官窑修内司官窑御制时期 官窑花瓶,由修内司官窑制作。 瓶身薄,胎体肥厚,釉色为青绿色,釉层厚实。底部有较厚的釉料。这个美丽的半透明蓝釉裂纹角花瓶底部有官方的关公标记。还有一个铁脚,烧制而成,深赭褐色,这是他们使用的棕色粘土造成的。金军驱赶了北宋末年,他们被赶到杭州,在公元1127年建立了 南宋。尺寸约为 8 1/2" 高 ppjrs






Southern Song Dynasty Octagonal Bottle Vase Masterpiece, Guan Yao Official Kiln Imperial Mark period Guan ware Octagonal Bottle Vase that was done in the official Xiuneisi inner kiln. Has had several layers of thick Bluish Glaze which was done with a thin body and thicker pooling glaze on the base. This Beautiful Bluish with a tinge of Greenish crackled glazed Bottle Vase has the official government Guan mark on the base. Also has a iron foot from firing and the dark Ochre brown color from the brown clay they used. The Jin Armies drove the Imperial Court out from the Northern Song Dynasty they were driven south to Hangzhou in 1127A.D. and they setup the Southern Song Dynasty.

measures approx 8 5/8" tall ppjrs 

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Song Dynasty Guan Yao Official Kiln Imperial Guan ware

crackled Vase Fire Gilded bands  

(World Class)


宋代官窑官窑时期官窑纹瓶。瓶身施米黄色釉,口沿及底部有火鎏金纹,红铜矿层和绿孔雀石层腐蚀层渗入火鎏金铜带的孔隙中,保证了其古老,是古老和真实性的明显标志,这比 TL 测试更可靠,所有专家都用它来判断文物的真实性,而且无法伪造。还有一个烧制后的深棕色铁脚颜色,使用深褐色的粘土。金军将朝廷赶出北宋,公元 1127 年,他们被赶到杭州,建立了南宋。

尺寸约为 5 3/4" 高 ppjrs



Southern Song Dynasty Guan Yao Official Xiuneisi Inner Kiln Imperial Guan ware Marked and Period Bamboo Neck Bottle Vase 

(World Class)


南宋竹颈瓶 杰作,官窑修内司官窑御制时期官窑花瓶,由修内司官窑内窑烧制而成。釉面呈薄层,釉色为淡青色,釉层厚实,略带绿釉。瓶身和底部的较厚的釉层。这个美丽的蓝釉裂纹瓶底部有官方的关公标记。还有一个铁底,烧制而成,颜色为深赭褐色,这是他们使用的棕色粘土所致。金军开北宋朝廷于公元 1127 年被驱逐至杭州,建立了南宋。尺寸约为 8 1/2" 高 ppjrs






Southern Song Dynasty Hexagon Meiping Masterpiece Guan Yao Official Xiuneisi Kiln Imperial Mark period Guan ware Vase that was done in the Official Xiuneisi inner kiln. Has had several layers of thick Bluish with a tinge of Greenish Glaze which shows the thin body and thicker pooling glaze on the base. This Beautiful Transparent Bluish crackle glazed Hexagon Meiping Vase has the official government mark on the base. Also has a iron foot from firing and the dark ochre brown color from the brown clay they used. Xiu Nei Si apparently refers to the Department of palace supply Shunai Division. The Jin Armies drove the Imperial Court out from the Northern Song Dynasty they were driven south to Hangzhou in 1127A.D. and they setup the Southern Song Dynasty.

measures approx 9 1/4" tall ppjrs 

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Song Dynasty Guan Yao Official Kiln Imperial marked and period Guan ware Vase. has crackled Beige glazed and handles Vase, also fire gild bands around the rim and base that have layered reddish cuprite and greenish Botryoidal malachite corrosion where the gold has worn which confirms its great age, is a guarantee indication of there great age and authenticity and this is more reliable than a TL test and used by all experts to determine authenticity of an artifact and can't be faked. Also has a iron foot from firing thats dark brown color also has the official Guan mark on base. The Jin Armies drove the Imperial Court out from the Northern Song Dynasty they were driven south to Hangzhou in 1127A.D. and they setup the Southern Song Dynasty.

measures approx 8 7/8" tall ppjrs 

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Southern Song Dynasty Guan Yao Official Xiuneisi Inner Kiln Imperial Guan ware Marked and Period Tube Handle Vase 

(World Class)


南宋管柄瓶 杰作,官窑官窑御制时期官窑花瓶,由官方修内司内窑制作。有几层厚的青釉,略带绿色,胎体薄,釉质较厚底部有积釉。这个美丽的蓝釉裂纹瓶底部有官府印记。还有一个铁脚,烧制而成,深赭褐色,是他们使用的棕色粘土所致。金军驱赶朝廷公元 1127 年,他们被赶出北宋,南迁杭州,建立了南宋。尺寸约为 8 1/2" 高 ppjrs



Guan Yao Vase the official Xiuneisi Inner Kiln ware made for the Imperial court of the Southern Song Dynasty 1127- 1279

(World Class)


This Beautiful masterpiece Guan Yao S. Song Dynasty Vase above has a thick bluish with a tinge greenish glaze that was achieved by putting on several applications of glaze and successive firings. Guan Yao Official Kiln Imperial Mark period Guan ware Vase that was done in the official Xiuneisi inner kiln. This thick coat of glaze rounded off any sharp angles of the form. The form is well balanced clearly done by a master potter. The body used ochre brown clay that is very finely potted and thinner than the glaze, you can see this on the base were the glaze is pooling. The Vase has the official government mark on the base. Xiu Nei Si apparently refers to the Department of palace supply Shunai Division, under the relocated Northern Song Administration, which was driven south to Hangzhou in 1127A.D. Measures approx 9" tall. 

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南宋六方瓶杰作,官窑修内司官窑御制时期官窑虎耳六方瓶,为官窑内窑制品。胎薄釉厚,施多层厚绿釉。这件美丽的绿色透明釉六角花瓶,底部有官府的官方标记。此外,它还有一个铁脚,烧制后呈现出深棕色,这是由于他们使用了棕色粘土。金军将朝廷赶出了北宋时期,公元1127年,他们被赶到杭州,建立了 南宋。尺寸约为 9 1/4" 高 ppjrs



Southern Song Dynasty Guan Yao Official Xiuneisi Inner Kiln Imperial Guan ware Marked and Period Ribbed Vase 

(World Class)


南宋 棱纹瓶 杰作,官窑官窑御制时期 官窑花瓶,由官窑修内司内窑烧制而成。胎薄釉厚,釉层厚,釉色呈青绿色,釉层厚重。底部有积水。这个美丽的蓝纹釉肋花瓶,底部有官府的官方标记。还有一个铁脚,烧制而成,颜色深红褐色,这是他们使用的棕色粘土造成的。金军驱赶了朝廷公元 1127 年,他们被赶出北宋,南迁杭州,建立了 南宋。尺寸约为 9 1/8" 高 ppjrs






高 8 1/2 英寸



Song Dynasty Guan Yao Official Kiln Imperial Guan ware

crackled Vase with Fire Gilded bands 

(World Class)


宋代官窑官窑标记和时期裂纹米色花瓶,带有火镀金带。带子清楚地显示了底部的层状赤铜矿和顶部的葡萄状孔雀石,这只存在于自然界中,是其古老和真实性的保证。这比 TL 测试更可靠,所有专家都用它来判断文物的真实性,而且无法伪造。花瓶还有一个烧制的铁脚,颜色为深棕色,底部还有官方关公标记。金军开走了公元1127年,北宋灭亡,宋朝廷南迁杭州,建立南宋。

尺寸约为 9 1/2" 高 ppjrs



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