
北宋 朝廷贡品 汝窑


北宋 汝窑贡品


大约公元前 4 世纪。

中国古代汝瓷的艺术收藏家发现,汝瓷的边缘和底部都有镀金的带子,镀金的带子覆盖在铜上,用放大镜可以清楚地看到孔雀石下面的赤铜矿,而这种带子需要几个世纪才能形成,尤其是当铜被镀金时,因为这些贡品上的所有带子都是镀金的。这些作品大约有九百年的历史,并出现了这种腐蚀,这清楚地证明了它们的历史悠久。 (老式火镀金铜上的第一种腐蚀物质是赤铜矿,一种牛血色的矿物。赤铜矿上面会生长出第二种腐蚀形式,孔雀石,一种绿色的晶体/矿物,你可以用肉眼在火镀金带上轻松看到它。孔雀石上面会生长出第三种腐蚀形式,蓝铜矿,一种漂亮的蓝色晶体/矿物,你可以很容易地在中国古代青铜器上看到它。要判断你的作品是否是真正的中国古代文物,很简单,而且不可能复制:如果你刮掉蓝铜矿,你一定会在下面找到一些孔雀石。如果你刮掉那层孔雀石,你一定会找到赤铜矿。蓝铜矿不能自己生长,它需要孔雀石。而孔雀石需要赤铜矿在上面生长。如果你的作品是铜做的,那这条规则也没有例外,而青铜是一种主要由铜组成的合金。



All tribute wares are generally small with fire gilded over copper bands, these bands have cuprite and malachite corrosion and this guarantees their great age and is more reliable than a TL test and used by all experts to determine authenticity of an artifact and can't be faked! Tribute wares are glazed all over and they're fired on setters with prongs that hold the piece off the kiln floor. The prongs leave spur marks on the base and these marks are sesame seed size and shape. Tribute wares have a beautiful smooth glaze and they don't have any crushed agate stone in the glaze. Only wares that Chinese Emperor Huizong commissioned and helped developed. the Official Imperial Royal wares have crushed agate in the glaze. The Tribute Wares either have an off white or ash colored biscuit and they are much finer done than the merchant wares. All the Ru wares that are recorded in museums and collections do not have agate in the glaze, they say it can't be seen because it melted. This is a false narrative the pieces that are in museum and collection that they have recorded are generally flawed merchant wares and they never had agate in the glaze only Official Royal Imperial wares have agate in the glaze this can be seen with a 20x loupe.   

北宋 灰青釉御制



Extremely fine exquisitely potted N. Song Dynasty Grayish celadon glaze Ru-ware  Cup.  This Ru- ware Cup was made as a tribute Cup for the Emperor and his Court, the cup has Fire Gilded Copper bands around the rim and base and it has a slightly cleaned traces of reddish cuprite and greenish malachite corrosion that confirms its great age and this is more reliable than a TL test and used by all experts to determine authenticity of an artifact and can't be faked! The Cup has greenish grayish glaze with a greenish hue and very fine crackle, also the glaze has a smooth texture No Agate in Glaze with impressed lotus leaves around the Cup and the bottom has five tiny sesame seed size spur marks. The Cup measures approx. 5 3/8" tall 4 1/4 " dia. This piece is from Emperor Huizong's surviving hoard of N. Song Imperial Ru ware!!! ppjrs 

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北宋 青釉汝窑贡管


Extremely fine Chinese Ru exquisitely potted N. Song Dynasty Ru-ware celadon Glaze five tube vessel is impressed with lotus leaves. This chinese ru  ware vessel was made as a tribute vessel for the Emperor and his Court, the vessel has fire gild copper band around the rim and has been cleaned but still have traces of encrusted layered reddish cuprite and greenish malachite corrosion and this guarantees there great age and is more reliable than a TL test and used by all experts to determine authenticity of an artifact and can't be faked!  The vessel has bluish grayish glaze with a greenish hue and very fine crackle, also the glaze has a smooth texture. The vessel bottom has five tiny sesame seed size spur marks. The vessel measures approx. 4 1/4" tall. This piece is from  Emperor Huizong's

surviving hoard of N. Song Imperial Ru ware!!! ppjrs 

(click image to enlarge)

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Northern Song Dynasty Celadon Glaze Imperial

Ru-Ware Tribute Ear Bowl 


Extremely fine Chinese Ru exquisitely potted N. Song Dynasty Ru-ware celadon glaze ear bowl. This Ru- ware bowl was made as a tribute for the Emperor and his Court, the bowl has fire gild band around the rim and has been slightly cleaned with layered reddish cuprite and greenish malachite corrosion that confirms its great age and this is more reliable than a TL test  and used by all experts to determine authenticity of an artifact and can't be faked! The bowl has bluish greenish glaze with a greenish hue and very fine crackle, also the glaze has a smooth texture. The bowl bottom has five tiny sesame seed size spur marks. The bowl measures approx. 6 1/2" length. This piece is from  Emperor Huizong's

surviving hoard of N. Song Imperial Ru ware!!! ppjrs

(click image to enlarge)

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北宋 青釉御制



Extremely fine exquisitely potted N. Song Dynasty Ru-ware celadon glaze Cong Form vase.  This Ru- ware Cong vase was made as a tribute to the  Emperor and his Court, the Cong vase has fire gilded copper band around the rim and  it has been cleaned but still have traces of layered reddish cuprite and greenish malachite corrosion that confirms its great age and this is more reliable than a TL test and used by all experts to determine authenticity of an artifact and can't be faked! The Cong vase has bluish grayish glaze with a greenish hue and very fine crackle, also the glaze has a smooth texture , no agate in glaze. The Cong vase bottom has five tiny sesame seed size spur marks. The Cong vase measures approx. 7 1/4" Tall. This piece is from Emperor Huizong's surviving hoard

of N. Song Imperial Ru ware!!! ppjrs 

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  • 北宋 青釉官窑汝窑



    极为精美的北宋汝瓷青瓷釉波瓣洗。此汝瓷洗是作为进贡给皇帝和宫廷的,此洗的边缘有火镀金铜带,并有略微清洁,有层状红色赤铜矿和绿色孔雀石腐蚀,证实了其年代久远,这比 TL 测试更可靠,所有专家都用它来判断文物的真实性,无法伪造!刷洗器有蓝灰色釉,呈绿色,裂纹非常细腻,釉面质地光滑,釉中无玛瑙。刷子清洗器底部有六个芝麻粒大小的细小马刺痕迹。刷子清洗器长度约为 7 1/4 英寸。这件作品来自宋徽宗尚存的北宋御制汝瓷收藏!!! ppjrs



    Northern Song Dynasty Celadon Glaze Imperial Ru-Ware

    Tribute Beaker Vase 


    极为精美的北宋汝瓷青瓷花瓶。此汝瓷花瓶是作为进贡给皇帝和宫廷的,花瓶的边缘和底部有镀金铜带,略微清洗过,层状红色赤铜矿和绿色孔雀石腐蚀证实了其年代久远,这比热释光测试更可靠,所有专家都用它来判断文物的真实性,无法伪造!花瓶釉面呈蓝灰色,带有绿色色调,裂纹非常细腻,釉面质地光滑,釉中无玛瑙。花瓶底部有五个芝麻大小的细小马刺痕迹。花瓶高约 6 1/4 英寸。这件作品来自徽宗皇帝的 N 存世珍藏. 宋代汝窑!!!ppjrs



    Northern Song Dynasty Celadon Glaze Imperial

    Ru-WareTribute Brush Washer


    Extremely fine exquisitely potted N. Song Dynasty Ru-ware celadon glaze three leg brush washer.  This Ru- ware brush washer was made as a tribute for the Emperor and his Court, the brush washer has fire gilded copper band around the rim that has been slightly cleaned, layered reddish cuprite and greenish malachite corrosion that confirms its great age and this is more reliable than a TL test and used by all experts to determine authenticity of an artifact and can't be faked! The brush washer has greenish glaze with a grayish hue and very fine crackle, also the glaze has a smooth texture, no agate in glaze. The brush washer bottom has five tiny sesame seed size spur marks. The brush washer measures approx. 7" Dia. This piece is from Emperor Huizong's surviving hoard of N. Song Imperial Ru ware!!! ppjrs 

    (click image to enlarge)

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    北宋 淡青釉御制



    极为精美的宋代淡青釉汝瓷虎柄花瓶。此汝瓷花瓶是为皇帝和宫廷制作的贡品花瓶,花瓶的边缘和底部有火镀金铜带,上面有多层微红色的赤铜矿和微绿色的孔雀石腐蚀证实了它的年代久远,这比热释光测试更可靠,所有专家都用它来判断一件文物的真实性,而且无法伪造!花瓶的釉面呈蓝灰色,带有绿色色调,非常细裂纹,釉面质地光滑,釉中无玛瑙。花瓶底部有五个芝麻大小的细小马刺痕迹。花瓶高约 6 3/4 英寸。此件作品来自宋徽宗幸存的 N 宝藏。宋代汝窑!!!ppjrs



    Northern Song Dynasty Pale Celadon Glaze Imperial

    Ru-Ware Tribute Vase 


    极为精美的北宋淡青釉汝瓷花瓶。此汝瓷花瓶是为皇帝和宫廷制作的贡品花瓶,花瓶的边缘和底部有火镀金铜带,并已略微清洁的层状红色赤铜矿和绿色孔雀石腐蚀证实了它的年代久远,这比 TL 测试更可靠,所有专家都用它来判断文物的真实性,无法伪造!花瓶有蓝灰色釉,带有绿色色调和非常细腻的裂纹,釉面质地光滑。花瓶底部有五个芝麻大小的细小马刺痕迹。花瓶高约 7 英寸。这件作品来自宋徽宗皇帝的北宋汝窑藏品! !! ppjrs



    北宋 淡青釉御制



    极为精美的北宋淡青瓷釉汝瓷花瓶。此汝瓷花瓶为皇帝及其宫廷所制,瓶口及底部饰以火烧鎏金铜带,瓶身覆有一层红色赤铜矿和绿色孔雀石锈蚀层,证实其年代久远,更显比 TL 测试更可靠。所有专家都用它来判断文物的真实性,而且无法伪造!花瓶釉面呈蓝灰色,带有绿色色调和非常细腻的裂纹,釉面质地光滑,没有玛瑙釉。花瓶底部有三个芝麻大小的细小马刺痕迹。花瓶高约 4 1/2 英寸。这件作品来自宋徽宗皇帝的北宋汝窑藏品!!! ppjrs



    北宋 淡青釉御制



    极其精美的北宋淡青釉汝瓷叶缘花瓶。此汝瓷花瓶是为皇帝及其宫廷制作的进贡花瓶,花瓶的边缘和底部周围有火镀金铜带,并且层状红色赤铜矿和绿色葡萄状孔雀石腐蚀证实了其年代久远,这比热释光测试更可靠,所有专家都用它来判断文物的真实性,无法伪造!花瓶釉面呈蓝灰色,带有绿色色调和非常细腻的裂纹,釉面质地光滑,花瓶底部有三个芝麻大小的细小马刺痕迹。花瓶高约 6 英寸。这件作品来自宋徽宗皇帝的北宋汝窑藏品! !! ppjrs



  • 北宋 淡青釉御制



    极其精美的北宋淡青釉汝瓷槌形花瓶。此汝瓷花瓶是为皇帝和宫廷制作的进贡花瓶,花瓶边缘有火镀金铜带,略有用层状红色赤铜矿清洗,并有绿色孔雀石腐蚀痕迹,证实了其年代久远,这比 TL 测试更可靠,所有专家都用它来判断文物的真实性,无法伪造!花瓶有蓝灰色釉,青绿色调,浅青瓷色,裂纹非常细腻,釉面质地光滑,釉中无玛瑙。花瓶底部有五个芝麻粒大小的细小马刺痕迹。花瓶高约 8 1/8 英寸。这件作品来自皇帝徽宗尚存的北宋御制汝瓷珍藏!!! ppjrs



    北宋 雨后天彩 御制



    极为精美的北宋天雨釉汝瓷花瓶。此汝瓷花瓶是为皇帝和宫廷制作的贡品,花瓶的边缘和底部有火镀金铜带,并且av 层状红色赤铜矿和绿色葡萄状孔雀石腐蚀证实了它的年代久远,这比 TL 测试更可靠,所有专家都用它来判断文物的真实性,无法伪造!花瓶有蓝灰色釉,带有绿色色调和非常细腻的裂纹,釉面质地光滑。花瓶底部有五个芝麻大小的细小马刺痕迹。花瓶高约 7 1/8 英寸。这件作品来自宋徽宗皇帝的北宋宫廷藏品Ru ware!!! ppjrs






    极为精美的北宋汝瓷雨后天槌形花瓶。此汝瓷花瓶是为皇帝和宫廷制作的贡品,花瓶的边缘和底部有火镀金铜带,经过轻微清洗,有红色赤铜矿和绿色孔雀石腐蚀痕迹,证实了其年代久远,这比 TL 测试更可靠,所有专家都用它来判断文物的真实性,无法伪造!花瓶呈蓝色灰色釉面,带有绿色色调和非常细腻的裂纹,釉面质地光滑,釉面无玛瑙。花瓶底部有五个芝麻粒大小的细小马刺痕迹。花瓶高约 6 1/8 英寸。这件作品是来自宋徽宗尚存的北宋御制汝瓷收藏!!! ppjrs



    北宋 天青雨釉御制



    北宋雨后天釉汝瓷凤纹洗,精美绝伦。此汝瓷洗为皇帝及其宫廷所制,洗口边缘饰以火烧镀金铜带并且它有层状的红色赤铜矿和绿色葡萄状孔雀石腐蚀,证实了它年代久远,这比热释光测试更可靠,所有专家都用它来判断文物的真实性,无法伪造!刷洗器有蓝灰色釉呈绿色色调,裂纹非常细腻,釉面质地光滑,釉中无玛瑙。刷子清洗器底部有七个芝麻粒大小的细小马刺痕迹。刷子清洗器直径约为 6 3/4 英寸。这件作品是宋徽宗所藏北宋汝窑瓷器中的一部分!!!ppjrs



    北宋 天青雨釉御制



    极为精美的北宋雨后天釉御制汝瓷贡品壶形花瓶。此汝瓷花瓶是为皇帝及其宫廷制作的贡品花瓶,花瓶边缘有火镀金铜带和底座,它有层状的红色赤铜矿和绿色葡萄状孔雀石腐蚀,证实了它的古老,这比 TL 测试更可靠,所有专家都用它来判断文物的真实性,无法伪造!花瓶有蓝灰色釉面呈绿色,有非常细的裂纹,釉面质地光滑,无玛瑙釉。花瓶底部有五个芝麻粒大小的细小马刺痕迹。花瓶高约 6 3/4 英寸。这件作品来自皇帝徽宗尚存的北宋御制汝瓷珍藏!!! ppjrs



    北宋 天青雨釉御制

    RuWare Tribute 圆形木槌形花瓶


    北宋天雨釉汝瓷圆槌形花瓶,极为精美。此汝瓷花瓶为皇帝及其宫廷所制,花瓶边缘和底部饰有火鎏金铜带并且它有层状的红色赤铜矿和绿色葡萄状孔雀石腐蚀,证实了它的年代久远,这比 TL 测试更可靠,所有专家都用它来判断文物的真实性,而且无法伪造!花瓶有蓝灰色釉,呈绿色,有细小裂纹,釉面光滑,无玛瑙。花瓶底部有五个芝麻大小的细小马刺痕迹。花瓶高约 6 7/8 英寸。这件作品来自宋徽宗皇帝的北宋汝窑藏品!!! ppjrs



    Northern Song Dynasty Celadon Sky After Rain Glaze

    Imperial Ru-Ware Tribute Spittoon Form Vessel 


    Extremely fine exquisitely potted N. Song Dynasty sky after rain glaze Ru-ware spittoon form vessel. This Ru- ware vessel was made as a tribute vessel for the Emperor and his Court, the vessel has fire gilded copper bands around the rim and base and it has layered reddish cuprite and green botryoidal malachite corrosion that confirms its great age and this is more reliable than a TL test and used by all experts to determine authenticity of an artifact and can't be faked! The vessel has bluish grayish glaze with a greenish hue and very fine crackle, also the glaze has a smooth texture, noagate in glaze. The vessel bottom has five tiny sesame seed size spur marks. The vessel measures approx. 4 3/8" Dia. This piece is from a surviving hoard of N. Song Imperial Ru ware!!! ppjrs

     (click image to enlarge)

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    北宋 红釉汝窑



    北宋汝窑红釉带柄笔洗,精美绝伦。此汝窑笔洗为贡品 皇帝及其宫廷的毛笔洗,毛笔洗边缘有火镀金铜带,上面有一层红色赤铜矿、绿色葡萄状孔雀石腐蚀层,这证实了它的年代久远和真实性,这比 TL 测试更可靠,被所有人使用专家鉴定文物的真伪,不可伪造!笔洗有美丽的红釉,有非常细的裂纹,可以看到一个环,釉面质地光滑,釉中没有玛瑙。笔洗底部有三个芝麻大小的细小马刺标记,底部刻有贡品标记。笔洗直径约为 4 3/4 英寸。这件作品来自徽宗皇帝的幸存




  • 北宋 红釉御制



    Extremely fine exquisitely potted N. Song Dynasty Ru-ware red glazed bowl with impressed with lotus leaves. This Ru-ware bowl was made as a tribute  bowl for the Emperor and his  Court, the bowl has fire gilded copper bands around the rim and base The bands have layered cuprite and green botryoidal malachite corrosion that confirms its great age and authenticity and this is more reliable than a TL test and used by all experts to determine authenticity of an artifact and can't be faked! The bowl has very fine crackle that can be seen with a loop, also the glaze has a smooth texture, no agate in glaze and the bowl bottom has three tiny sesame seed size spur marks. The bowl measures approx. 5 " Dia. This piece is from a surviving hoard of N. Song Imperial Ru ware!!! ppjrs

     (click image to enlarge)

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    北宋 红釉汝窑



    Extremely fine exquisitely potted N. Song Dynasty Ru-ware beautiful Red glaze three leg brush washer. This Ru- ware brush washer was made as a tribute for the Emperor and his Court. The brush washer has a fire gilded copper band around the designed rim that has layered cuprite and green botryoidal malachite corrosion that confirms its great age and authenticity and this is more reliable than a TL test and used by all experts to determine authenticity of an artifact and can't be faked!  The brush washer has beautiful red glaze with very fine crackle that can be seen with a loop, also the glaze has a smooth texture, no agate in glaze. The brush washer bottom has three tiny sesame seed size spur marks and a carved tribute mark. The brush washer measures approx. 5" Dia. This piece is from Emperor Huizong's surviving hoard of

    N. Song Imperial Ru Ware!!! ppjrs 

    (click image to enlarge)

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    北宋 红釉汝窑

    Tribute 三脚刷洗器


    极为精美的北宋汝窑红釉三足笔洗。 此汝窑洗器为朝廷贡品,口沿处有火烧鎏金铜带,表面有红色赤铜矿层和绿色葡萄状孔雀石层,证实其年代久远,真实性较高,更值得信赖。比 TL 测试更可靠,所有专家都用它来判断文物的真实性,无法伪造!刷洗器有美丽的红釉,有非常细的裂纹,可以用环圈看到,釉面质地光滑。笔洗底部有雕刻标记。底部有三个芝麻大小的细小马刺标记。笔洗直径约为 5 5/8 英寸。这件作品来自徽宗皇帝的幸存

    北宋汝窑珍藏!!!ppj rs



    北宋 红釉汝窑贡碗


    极为精美的北宋精美红釉汝瓷沿口碗。此汝瓷碗为皇帝及其宫廷所制,碗沿及底部饰以火鎏金铜带,带状物有层状红色赤铜矿和绿色葡萄状孔雀石腐蚀,证实了其年代久远和真实性,这比 TL 测试更可靠,所有专家都用它来判断文物的真实性,无法伪造!碗有红釉,非常细小的裂纹,可以看到一个环,釉面质地光滑,釉中没有玛瑙。碗底有三个芝麻大小的细小马刺痕迹,并有一个雕刻的贡品标记。碗尺寸约为 5 1/直径 2 英寸。此件作品来自宋徽宗所藏北宋汝窑瓷器!!! ppjrs



  • Northern Song Dynasty Beautiful Red Glaze Imperial

    Ru-Ware Tribute Vessel 


    极为精美的北宋红釉汝瓷痰盂形器皿。此汝瓷器皿是作为皇帝及其宫廷的贡品而制作的,器皿的边缘和底部周围有火镀金铜带。带状物有层状红色赤铜矿和绿色葡萄状孔雀石腐蚀,证实了其年代久远且真实性,这比热释光测试更可靠,所有专家都用它来判断文物的真实性,无法伪造!该器皿有美丽的红釉和非常细小的裂纹,可以看到一个环,釉质光滑,釉中没有玛瑙。容器底部有三个芝麻大小的细小马刺标记,上面刻有贡品标记。花瓶尺寸约为 4 1/ 8 英寸直径。此件作品来自宋徽宗尚存的




    Northern Song Dynasty Imperial Ru Ware Moon

    Light White Tribute Burner 


    Extremely fine moon-light white glaze tribute Ru-ware burner. This tribute burner has a beautiful soft and smooth Moon-light white glaze, no agate in glaze, with one fire gilded over copper band around the lid. All Ru ware with fire gilded bands are tribute wares to the Emperor and his court. The fire gilded copper band have been slightly cleaned with layered reddish cuprite and green malachite corrosion this confirms its great age and this is more reliable than a TL test and used by all experts to determine authenticity of an artifact and can't be faked! The burner has five tiny sesame seed shape and size spur marks. This tribute burner measures approx 4 1/2" tall. This piece is from Emperor Huizong's surviving hoard of N. Song Imperial Ru-Ware!!! ppjrs

     (click image to enlarge)

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    Northern Song Dynasty Imperial Ru Ware Moon

    Light White Tribute Vase 


    极其精美的月光白釉汝瓷贡瓶。此贡瓶釉色为月光白釉,釉面柔和光滑,釉中无玛瑙。瓶口和底部的铜带上均有火烧镀金。所有汝瓷均有火烧镀金带是皇帝及其宫廷的贡品。金带略微被一层层的红色赤铜矿和绿色孔雀石腐蚀所清洗,这证实了它的年代久远,这比 TL 测试更可靠,所有专家都用它来判断一件文物,无法伪造!花瓶上有五个芝麻形状和大小的细小马刺标记。这件贡品花瓶高约 6 1/4 英寸。这件作品来自徽宗皇帝的幸存




  • 北宋 汝窑 月光



    极品月光白釉贡汝窑槌瓶。此件贡瓶釉色柔和光滑,釉中无玛瑙。口沿有一圈火烧镀金铜带。所有带火烧镀金带的汝瓷都是进贡给皇帝和宫廷的。金带状物经过轻微清洗,有层状红色赤铜矿和绿色孔雀石腐蚀,这证实了它的年代久远,这比 TL 测试更可靠,所有专家都用它来判断文物的真实性,无法伪造!花瓶有五个小芝麻形状和大小的马刺标记。这件贡品花瓶高约 7 英寸。这件作品来自徽宗皇帝的幸存珍藏

    N. 宋朝皇室汝窑!!! ppjrs



    Northern Song Dynasty Imperial Ru Ware Moon

    Light White Tribute Vessel 


    Extremely fine moon light white glaze tribute Ru-ware vessel with dragon handles. This tribute vessel has a beautiful soft and smooth moon light white glaze, no agate in glaze. Has two fire gilded over copper bands around the rim and base. All Ru ware with fire gilded bands are tribute wares to the Emperor and his court. The gold bands have been slightly cleaned with layered reddish cuprite and green malachite corrosion this confirms its great age and this is more reliable than a TL test and used by all experts to determine authenticity of an artifact and can't be faked! The vessel has three tiny sesame seed shape and size spur marks. This tribute vessel measures approx 4 3/8" tall. This piece is from Emperor Huizong's surviving

    hoard of N. Song Imperial Ru-Ware!!! ppjrs

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    Northern Song Dynasty Imperial Ru Ware Moon Light

    White Tribute Dragon handles Vase 


    极其精美的月光白釉贡品汝瓷龙柄花瓶。此贡品花瓶的月光白釉色柔和光滑,釉中无玛瑙。边缘和底部周围有铜带,上面镀金。所有汝瓷带有火镀金带的器皿是皇帝及其宫廷的贡品。金带经过轻微清洗,有一层层红色赤铜矿和绿色孔雀石腐蚀,这证实了它的年代久远,这比 TL 测试更可靠,所有专家都在使用确定一件文物的真实性,并且不能伪造!花瓶上有五个芝麻形状和大小的细小马刺标记。这个贡品花瓶高约 5 1/2 英寸。这件作品来自徽宗皇帝的幸存珍藏

    N. 宋朝皇室汝窑!!! ppjrs



    Northern Song Dynasty Imperial Ru Ware Moon

    Light White Tribute Stem Cup 


    Extremely fine moon-light white glaze tribute Ru-ware stem cup . This tribute stem cup has a beautiful soft and smooth moon-light white glaze, no agate in glaze. Has fire gilded over copper band around rim and base. All Ru ware with fire gilded bands are tribute wares to the Emperor and his court. The fire gilded copper bands have been slightly cleaned and have layered reddish cuprite and green malachite corrosion this confirms its great age and this is more reliable than a TL test and used by all experts to determine authenticity of an artifact and can't be faked! The stem cup has five tiny sesame seed shape and size spur marks. This tribute stem cup measures approx 4 1/4" tall. This piece is from Emperor Huizong's

    surviving hoard of N. Song Imperial Ru-ware!!! ppjrs

     (click image to enlarge )

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    Ru Ware Moon-Light White Tribute Phoenix handles Vase 


    Extremely fine moon-light white glaze tribute Ru-ware phoenix handles vase. This tribute vase has a beautiful soft and smooth moon-light white glaze, no agate in glaze. They're fire gilded over copper band around the rim and base. All Ru ware with fire gilded copper bands are tribute wares to the Emperor and his court. The fire gilded bands have been slightly cleaned with layered reddish cuprite and green malachite corrosion this confirms its great age and this is more reliable than a TL test and used by all experts to determine authenticity of an artifact and can't be faked! The vase has five tiny sesame seed shape and size spur marks. This tribute vase measures approx 6" tall. This piece is from Emperor Huizong's

    surviving hoard of N. Song Imperial Ru-ware!!! ppjrs 

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  • 北宋 汝窑月

    浅白色 琮瓶


    极其精美的月光白釉汝窑贡琮瓶。此贡瓶月光白釉美丽柔和,釉中无玛瑙。边缘和底部有两道镀金铜带。所有汝窑带火镀金铜带的器物是皇帝及其宫廷的贡品。火镀金带经过轻微清洗,并有红色赤铜矿和绿色孔雀石腐蚀层,这证实了其年代久远,这比 TL 测试更可靠,并且被所有人使用专家可以确定一件文物的真伪,而且不能伪造!花瓶上有五个芝麻形状和大小的细小马刺标记。这个贡品花瓶高约 6 3/4 英寸。这件作品来自徽宗皇帝




  • 北宋 汝窑 月光



    极为精美的月光白釉贡汝瓷六角形瓶。此件贡品花瓶釉色柔和光滑,呈月光白釉,釉中无玛瑙。瓶口和底部有两道铜质火镀金带。所有带火镀金带的汝瓷都是皇帝及其宫廷的贡品。火镀金铜带已被轻微清洗,有层状红色赤铜矿和绿色孔雀石腐蚀,这证实了它的年代久远,这比 TL 测试更可靠,并被所有专家用来判断文物的真实性,无法伪造!此花瓶有环状把手和五个芝麻形状和大小的细小马刺标记。此贡瓶高约 6 1/4 英寸。此件作品来自徽宗皇帝




    北宋 汝窑天蓝釉贡瓶


    极其精美的天蓝釉汝瓷贡瓶,造型优美。此贡瓶釉质柔和光滑,釉中无玛瑙。瓶口周围有一圈铜带,上面镀金。所有汝瓷均有镀金带是皇帝及其宫廷的贡品。火镀金铜带上有红色赤铜矿和绿色葡萄状孔雀石腐蚀层,这证实了它的年代久远,这比热释光测试更可靠,所有专家都用它来判断文物的真实性。不可伪造!花瓶上有五个芝麻大小的细小马刺痕迹。这款贡品花瓶高约 7 1/8 英寸。这件作品来自宋徽宗皇帝的北宋御窑存世珍藏!!!ppjrs



  • 北宋 汝窑天蓝釉贡瓶


    Extremely fine sky-blue glaze tribute Ru-ware vase with dragon handles. This tribute vase has a beautiful soft and smooth glaze, no agate in glaze. they have two fire gilded over copper bands around the rim and base. All Ru ware with fire gilded bands are tribute wares to the Emperor and his court. The fire gilded copper bands have been slightly cleaned with layered reddish cuprite and green malachite corrosion this confirms its great age and this is more reliable than a TL test  and used by all experts to determine authenticity of an artifact and can't be faked! The vase has five tiny sesame seed size spur marks. This tribute vase measures approx 5 3/4" tall. This piece is from Emperor Huizong's surviving hoard of N. Song Imperial Ru-ware!!! ppjrs 

    (click image to enlarge)

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  • Northern Song Dynasty Imperial Ru Ware Sky Blue

    Glaze Tribute Brush Washer 


    极其精美的天蓝釉贡品汝瓷三足笔洗。此款贡品笔洗釉色柔和光滑,釉中无玛瑙。边缘铜带上用火烧镀金,并有指甲印装饰。所有汝瓷均带有火镀金带是皇帝及其宫廷的贡品。火镀金带已略微清洁,上面有红色赤铜矿和绿色孔雀石铜锈,这证实了它的年代久远,这比 TL 测试更可靠,所有专家都用它来确定文物的真实性,无法伪造! 笔洗有三条腿和五个芝麻大小的细小马刺标记。 这款贡笔洗直径约为 5 5/8 英寸。 这件作品来自徽宗皇帝




    Northern Song Dynasty Imperial Ru Ware Sky Blue

    Glaze Tribute Brush Washer 


    Extremely fine sky-blue glaze tribute Ru-ware brush washer. This tribute brush washer has a beautiful soft and smooth glaze, no agate in glaze. Has a fire gilded over copper band around the rim. All Ru ware with fire gilded bands are tribute wares to the Emperor and his court. The fire gilded copper band has been slightly cleaned. Has layered reddish cuprite and green malachite corrosion this confirms its great age and this is more reliable than a TL test and used by all experts to determine authenticity of an artifact and can't be faked! The brush washer has three legs and three tiny sesame seed size spur marks. This tribute brush washer measures approx 5 1/2" dia. This piece is from Emperor Huizong's surviving hoard of N. Song Imperial Ru-ware!!! ppjrs

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    Northern Song Dynasty Sky-Blue Glaze Tribute Ru-ware Stem Cup 

    (World Class)

    极其精美的天蓝釉汝瓷高足杯。此高足杯釉色柔和光滑,釉中无玛瑙。杯沿和杯底饰有铜质镀金边。所有汝瓷均饰有镀金边是皇帝及其宫廷的贡品。火镀金带已略微清洗。有层状红色赤铜矿和绿色孔雀石腐蚀,这证实了它的年代久远,这比 TL 测试更可靠,所有专家都用它来确定一件文物,无法伪造!高足杯上有五个芝麻大小的细小马刺痕迹。这件贡品高足杯高约 4 1/4 英寸。这件作品来自宋徽宗的北宋御制汝窑藏品。商品!!! ppjrs



    北宋 汝窑 天青



    极其精美的天蓝釉六角形汝瓷贡杯。此贡杯釉质柔和光滑,釉中无玛瑙。杯沿和杯底饰有火烧镀金铜带。所有汝瓷均饰有火烧镀金铜带是皇帝及其宫廷的贡品。火镀金带已略微清洗。有层状红色赤铜矿和绿色孔雀石腐蚀,这证实了它的年代久远,这比 TL 测试更可靠,所有专家都用它来确定一件文物,无法伪造!杯子有两个把手和五个芝麻大小的细小马刺标记。这件贡杯高约 2 3/4 英寸。这件作品来自宋徽宗皇帝的北宋御制汝窑藏品。商品!!! ppjrs



    Northern Song Dynasty Imperial Ru Ware Sky Blue

    Glaze Tribute Brush Washer 


    极其精美的天蓝釉贡品汝瓷三柄笔洗。此贡品三柄笔洗釉色柔和光滑,釉中无玛瑙。边缘和底部周围有镀金铜带。所有汝瓷带火镀金带的是皇帝及其宫廷的贡品。火镀金铜带已略微清洗过。有层状红色赤铜矿和绿色孔雀石腐蚀,这证实了它的年代久远,这比 TL 测试更可靠,并且被所有人使用专家可以确定文物的真伪,并且无法伪造!这款毛笔洗有三个龙柄和五个芝麻大小的细小马刺标记。这款贡品毛笔洗直径约为 5 3/8 英寸。这件作品来自徽宗皇帝的幸存北宋官窑瓷器珍藏!!!ppjrs



  • 北宋 汝窑 天青



    极其精美的天蓝釉贡品汝瓷瓣纹碗。此贡品碗釉色柔和光滑,釉中无玛瑙。边缘有火镀金铜带。所有带有火镀金铜带的汝瓷均为贡品皇帝及其宫廷的器皿。火镀金带略微清洁过。有层状红色赤铜矿和绿色孔雀石腐蚀,这证实了它的年代久远,这比 TL 测试更可靠,所有专家都用它来判断文物的真实性而且无法伪造!碗有八个裂片和五个芝麻大小的细小马刺痕迹。这个贡碗直径约为 4 3/4 英寸。这件作品来自北宋御制汝瓷的存世珍藏!! !ppjrs



    Northern Song Dynasty Imperial Ru Ware Sky Blue

    Glaze Tribute To Emperor Vase


    极为精美的天蓝色釉质,向皇帝致敬的汝瓷花瓶。此款贡品花瓶釉质柔和光滑,釉中无玛瑙。边缘和底部周围有两道火烧镀金铜带。此花瓶底部有标记上面有两个字“奉王”。火镀金带已稍微清洗过。有层状红色赤铜矿和绿色孔雀石腐蚀,这证实了它的年代久远,这比热释光测试更可靠,所有专家都用它来确定一件文物的真实性,无法伪造!花瓶上有五个芝麻大小的细小刺痕。这个非常重要的贡品花瓶高约 5 3/4 英寸。这件作品来自徽宗皇帝的幸存



  • 北宋 汝窑 天青



    Extremely fine sky-blue glaze tribute Ru-ware ribbed brush washer. This Tribute ribbed brush washer Has a beautiful soft and smooth glaze, no agate in glaze. Has a fire gilded over copper band around the rim. All Ru ware with fire gilded bands copper are tribute wares to the Emperor and his court. The fire gild copper bands have been slightly cleaned. Has layered reddish cuprite and green malachite corrosion this confirms its great age and this is more reliable than a TL test and used by all experts to determine authenticity of an artifact and can't be faked! The ribbed brush washer has three feet and three tiny sesame seed size spur marks. This tribute brush washer measures approx 5 3/4" Dia. This piece is from Emperor Huizong's surviving

    hoard of N. Song Imperial Ru-Ware!!!ppjrs

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