



青花 明 十五世纪 成化 风吹


( 世界一流 )


这件杰作是一件精美的明代青花十五世纪成化风卷云雾仙人官罐。成化时期为 1465 - 1487 年。罐上有四块板,第一块是荷叶,第二块是水波粼粼,马匹在云朵中飞翔,主面板是人物故事,带有六字成化款,底部有水纹图案。你可以看到艺术家在人物长袍上创造的风吹效果,长袍在风中飘扬。您还可以清楚地看到罐子在制作时是如何黏合在一起的。罐底斑驳,看起来有些烧焦。罐子高约 11 3/4 英寸。成化青花瓷是最受追捧的青花瓷是中国有史以来制作的瓷器中数量最少的。这一时期使用的钴非常漂亮,因此很容易与其他时期的青花瓷区别开来。与当时使用的进口索马里蓝钴相比,青花瓷的黑色色调非常明显。他们还混入当地的钴(称为皮唐)来稳定进口钴,因为众所周知,进口钴会流淌。成化瓷器没有堆积和堆积效应,因为他们将钴提炼得非常好。进口钴来自波斯,没有人知道在哪里波斯。自成化末期以来,中国已 500 多年没有进口过这种钴。成化瓷器采用细腻的轮廓绘制,并用宽笔填充,采用自由的笔触。他们对粘土的精炼程度比以往任何时期都要好时期,使用高温窑炉,通常较大的碎片会导致未上釉的底部看起来烧焦或斑驳,而上釉的底部会看起来波浪形。釉面上有微小均匀的气泡,可以用放大镜看到。



帝王青花 15 世纪 明成化




This is an exceptional Masterpiece, Blue & White Ming Dynasty Chenghua Mark & Period Imperial Figure Meiping Vase. This Vase measures approx. 13 3/4 inches Tall. Chenghua period was from 1465 - 1487. Check your auction catalogs,books, and look in museums, online you won't fined a better Chenghua Meiping vase published anywhere. The vase has wonderful form, great color and is painted with very controlled loose freestyle strokes that the finest Chenghua wares are known for. This vase you can see flaking in the biscuit when looking through a loop, this is a clear indication of it's great age. These blue and white wares are the most sought after blue and white wares that China ever produced. The beautiful cobalt used during this period makes them very easy to distinguish from other periods of Chinese blue and white wares. They have a distinct blackish tone from the imported cobalt that they used during that period. Chenghua wares refined the cobalt so well they don't have heaping and piling that break the glaze. The imported cobalt called Samali blue, they believe came from Persia and they don't know where in Persia. They have not imported this cobalt for over 500 years. During the Chenghua period they also used a local cobalt called Pitang. The imported cobalt was known to run and they would stabilize it by mixing them together.Depending on the mix it would give very refined colors. In Chenghua wares they painted fine outlines and filled them in with a broad brush using loose free style strokes. They refined the clay better than any previous period and with their high firing kilns this often caused them to look burnt or mottled on the bottom in many vessels that have un-glazed bottoms. And bottoms that are glazed sometimes look wavy this can be seen when the light reflects on the glaze. This glaze is easy to distinguish it is very fine, and has tiny even bubbles this can be seen using a loop. It doesn't get better than true Imperial blue and white Chenghua wares. 

                   (click image to enlarge)

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帝王青花 15 世纪 明成化




这是一件绝妙的杰作,青花明代成化款和时期皇家佛教狮子罐。此罐高约 5 1/8 英寸。成化时期为 1465 - 1487 年。此罐代表了为什么成化瓷器如此受追捧.这个罐子应有尽有,非常精致,是一件出色的杰作。这是您必须亲眼目睹才能欣赏到在明朝绘制这个罐子所需的技巧和控制力的作品之一。查看您的拍卖目录、书籍、博物馆和网上,你都找不到任何地方出版的更好的成化罐。罐子造型非常精美,色彩鲜艳,用极其控制的自由自由的笔法绘制,有些看起来只用了几根线条毛刷,正是成化瓷器最精美之处,以其精妙的细节而闻名。罐上绘有四只佛教狮子和佛教符号。透过罐口看,你可以看到饼干上的剥落,这清楚地表明了它的年代久远。釉底看起来呈波浪形,这是成化瓷器的典型特征。这些青花瓷器是中国有史以来最受追捧的青花瓷器。这一时期使用的精美钴使它们很容易与中国其他时期的青花瓷器区分开来。它们具有与青花瓷不同的黑色色调。成化瓷器使用进口钴,精炼钴,不会出现堆积破坏釉面的情况。他们认为进口的钴叫萨玛利蓝,来自波斯,但不知道波斯哪里。他们已经有 500 多年没有进口过这种钴了。成化年间,他们还使用一种叫皮塘的当地钴。进口的钴会流淌,他们会将两者混合在一起,使其稳定下来。根据混合物的不同,颜色会非常精致。在成化瓷器中,他们画出精细的轮廓,并用宽笔用松散的自由笔触填充。他们比以前任何时期都更精炼粘土,而且他们的高烧窑炉经常导致在许多底部没有上釉的器皿中,底部看起来烧焦或斑驳。而上釉的底部通常看起来是波浪形的,当光线反射到釉面上时可以看到这一点。这种釉很容易区分,它非常细腻,并且有微小均匀的气泡,可以使用循环来查看。它没有比真正的帝国更好的了




Imperial Chenghua Sweet White Porcelain 15th Century Ming Dynasty 

Mark & Period Plate with Faintly Impressed Dragon



This is a extremely fine Chinese Chenghua Sweet White Porcelain 15th Century Ming Dynasty 

Mark & Period Plate with Secret Faintly Impressed Dragon in the center of the plate that can only be seen in the reflection of the light hitting the plate

14 1/4 " diameter.

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宫廷斗彩瓷器 15 世纪 明成化




这是一件非常精美的中国古董斗彩三友天罐。斗彩意味着对比色,他们使用釉下蓝线填充彩色珐琅,这些珐琅均衡且艺术感十足,风格奇特。冬天的三个朋友是松树、竹子和梅枝。你可以清楚地看到,釉下青花使用的是一种进口的钴蓝,称为萨马利蓝,它与当地的钴皮唐混合,使成化时期的钴蓝成为中国历史上最美丽的精致钴蓝,非常容易区分不同于中国使用过的其他钴。他们已经有 500 年没有进口过萨马利蓝了,现在他们甚至不确定波斯的萨马利蓝来自哪里。成化官窑最上乘的斗彩瓷器中使用的粘土略显白色,有点像骨头的颜色。你也可以清楚地看到,他们使用高温窑炉,这通常会使圈足变成褐色,并且底座在特定光线下会略微呈波浪形。底座上的成化款代表天。成化时期是斗彩工艺的巅峰,而这罐也证实了这一点,这罐天罐独树一帜。这罐明代成化三友天罐尺寸约为。5 1 /8" 高。



Imperial Doucai Porcelain 15th Century Ming Dynasty Chenghua

Period Phoenix Bottle 



This is a extremely fine Chinese antique doucai Early Chenghua Phoenix Bottle. Doucai means contrasting colors, they used underglaze blue outlines filled in with colored enamels that are well balanced and artistically pleasing using a whimsical Style. This bottle was done in the early part of the Chenghua Period. The Chenghua artisans experimented with colors and techniques. The clay they used in the early part of Chenghua was more white and the glaze has a more bluish ting, the bottle was thinly potted. You can clearly see the underglaze blue used was the imported cobalt called Samali blue and this was mixed with the local cobalt pitang and this gave the Chenghua period the most beautiful refined Cobalt blue in Chinese history and very easy to distinguish from other cobalts that China has used. They haven't imported the samali blue for over 500 years and today they're not sure where in Persia it even came from. You can see they used high firing kilns that often would turn the foot ring brownish and the base would be slightly wavy in certain light. The Bottle has the six character mark on the base. The Chenghua period was the pinnacle of the Doucai technique. This Ming Dynasty Chenghua Period Phoenix bottle measures approximately 6 1/2" tall. ppjrs

  (click image to enlarge)

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这是一件非常精美的中国古董斗彩三龙梅瓶。斗彩意味着他们使用的对比色,釉下蓝色线条用彩色珐琅填充,这些线条平衡良好,艺术感十足,风格奇特。这款花瓶之所以如此重要,是因为它尺寸大,艺术家巧妙地运用色彩,几乎完美地平衡了色彩对比。花瓶上有几条凤凰、龙和飞马的图案。您可以清楚地看到,釉下蓝是进口的钴蓝,称为萨马利蓝并将其与当地的钴皮唐混合,使成化时期的钴蓝成为中国历史上最美丽的精制钴蓝,并且与中国使用的其他钴蓝非常容易区分。他们已经 500 多年没有进口过萨马利蓝了,今天他们甚至不确定它来自波斯的哪个地方。成化官窑最上乘的斗彩瓷器所用的粘土颜色略显白色,有点像骨头的颜色。你也可以清楚地看到这一点,他们使用高温窑炉,经常会使足和环变成褐色。瓶肩部有成化六字款。成化时期是斗彩工艺的巅峰,而这瓶证实了这一点,这瓶独树一帜。有些人认为,没有大型斗彩器是成化时期的产物。明成化年间制作的梅瓶并非如此。而这件梅瓶则证明这不是真的。这件明代成化时期的龙纹梅瓶高约 19 英寸。



御制青花瓷 15 世纪 明成化




这是一件精美绝伦的明代成化御制青花大花瓶。这件花瓶装饰着几条纹饰,主纹饰是水草间游动的鱼。这件不同寻常的花瓶在成化瓷器中非常大,但成化瓷器制作大型花瓶的情况非常罕见。成化时期为 1465 年至 1487 年。第二条纹饰有六个字“成化”印记。查阅拍卖目录、书籍,并查看博物馆,在网上,您不会在任何地方找到更大的成化花瓶。这件花瓶造型优美,色彩鲜艳,画法非常随意,是成化瓷器最精美的特色。这些青花瓷器是中国有史以来最受追捧的青花瓷器。这一时期使用的漂亮钴使它们很容易与其他时期的中国青花瓷器区分开来。它们与当时使用的进口钴具有明显的黑色色调。成化瓷器对钴的精炼非常精湛,没有堆积破坏釉面的现象。进口的钴被称为索马里蓝,他们认为它来自波斯,但不知道波斯的哪个地方。他们已经 500 多年没有进口过这种钴了。成化年间,他们还使用了一种当地的钴,叫做 Pitang。进口的钴会流动,他们会将两者混合在一起使其稳定。根据混合物的不同,颜色会非常精致。在成化瓷器中,他们画出精细的轮廓,然后用宽刷子以松散的自由笔触填充。他们对粘土的精炼程度比以往任何时期都要好,而且由于他们的窑炉烧制温度很高,这常常导致花瓶底部看起来烧焦或斑驳。这种釉很容易辨别,非常细腻,有微小均匀的气泡,用圈可以看到。没有比真正的皇家青花成化瓷更好的了。

高约 26 英寸


御制青花瓷 15 世纪 明朝




This is a wonderful very large blue and white Ming Dynasty Chenghua Imperial mark and period Figure Jar. This Jar is decorated with several bands and the main band is Figure story. This unusual Jar is very large for Chenghua wares it's very rare and can't be denied by those so called experts. The Chenghua period was from 1465 - 1487. It has the six Character Chenghua mark written in the second band. Check your auction catalogs,books, and look in museums, online you won't find a Larger Chenghua Jar published anywhere. The Jar has wonderful form, great color and is painted with loose freestyle strokes that finest Chenghua wares are known for. These blue and white wares are the most sought after blue and white wares that China ever produced. The beautiful cobalt used during this period makes them very easy to distinguish from other periods of Chinese blue and white wares. They have a distinct blackish tone from the imported cobalt that they used during that period. Chenghua wares refined the cobalt so well they don't have heaping and piling that break the glaze, this imported cobalt called Samali blue, they believe came from Persia and they don't know where in Persia. They have not imported this cobalt for over 500 years. During the Chenghua period they also used a local cobalt called Pitang. The imported cobalt was known to run and they would stabilize it by mixing them together. Depending on the mix it would give very refined colors. In Chenghua wares they painted fine outlines and filled them in with a broad brush using loose free style strokes. They refined the clay better than any previous period and with their high firing kilns this often caused them to look burnt or mottled as on the bottom of this vase This glaze is easy to distinguish it is very fine, and has tiny even bubbles this can be seen using a loupe. It doesn't get better than true Imperial blue and white Chenghua wares. approx. 26 " tall

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Imperial Blue & White 15th C. Ming Dynasty Chenghua

Mark & Period Brush Washer 



这是一件非常精美的黑白明成化时期御用笔洗。这款笔洗上绘有波浪图案,一些波浪拍打岩石,水面上刻有精美的神话动物。笔洗尺寸约为 5 9/16英寸高。成化时期为 1465 - 1487 年。这些青花瓷是中国有史以来最受追捧的青花瓷。这一时期使用的精美钴使它们很容易与其他时期区分开来。它们具有独特的当时他们使用的进口索马里蓝钴具有黑色调。他们还混入当地的钴(称为皮坦)来稳定进口钴,因为众所周知,进口钴会流淌。成化瓷器对钴的精炼非常精湛,因此不会出现堆积和堆积的情况。打破釉料,进口的钴来自波斯,只有知道波斯哪里有。自成化末期以来,中国已 500 多年没有进口过这种钴。成化瓷器采用细腻的轮廓线绘制,并用宽笔填充,采用自由的笔法。他们对粘土的精炼程度比以往任何时期都要高,并且使用高温窑炉,经常导致未上釉的底部看起来烧焦或斑驳,而上釉的底部则呈波浪形。釉面上有微小的均匀气泡,可以用放大镜看到。没有比这更好的了




青花瓷 明宣德十五年款




青花十五世纪明宣德款飞禽神兽高足杯。此高足杯画工精美,水面之上有四只爪神兽,飞翔在云朵中,杯内有宣德款他们使用了进口的萨马利蓝钴,这种钴具有黑色色调,当堆积和堆积效果打破釉面时,它会显示出黑点或银色反射,而不是棕色,那将是中国本地钴,这证实了年代因为这种钴已经 500 年没有使用了。这款高脚杯尺寸

直径约 7 英寸 高 4 1/2 英寸



Imperial Blue & White 15th C. Ming Dynasty Xuande Period

Double Dragon Vase 



青花 15 世纪明宣德款双龙凤耳瓶。此瓶采用元代龙纹,宣德初期经常使用。他们使用进口的萨马利蓝钴,这种钴有一种黑色的色调,当堆积效果突破釉面时,它会显示出黑色斑点或银色的反射,而不是棕色,那将是中国当地的钴,这证实了它的年代,因为这种钴已经有 500 年没有使用了。这款双龙花瓶高约 19 英寸



Imperial Blue & White 15th C. Ming Dynasty Xuande Mark & Period

 Eggshell Thin Bowl 



青花十五世纪明宣德款蛋壳薄碗,绘有水果和树叶。这件杰作经过修饰,并饰有镀金饰边。他们使用了进口的萨马利蓝钴,这种钴呈黑色,当堆积效果破坏了釉面,呈现出黑点或银色反光,而不是棕色,那应该是中国当地的钴,这证实了其年代,因为这种钴已经有 500 多年没有使用了。

碗的尺寸约为 11 3/4" 直径。ppjrs



青花瓷 明宣德十五世纪款




青花十五世纪明宣德款蛋壳薄碗,绘有花朵、藤蔓和树叶。这件杰作经过修饰,并饰有镀金饰边。他们使用了进口的萨马利蓝钴,这种钴呈黑色,当堆积效果突破釉面时,它会显示出黑点或银色反射,而不是棕色,那将是中国当地的钴,这证实了其年代,因为这种钴已经有 500 多年没有使用了。

碗的尺寸约为 11 3/4" 直径。ppjrs



青花瓷 明宣德十五世纪款




青花 15 世纪明宣德款 绘鸟花叶盘。这件杰作经过修饰,并饰有镀金边。他们使用了进口的萨马利蓝钴,这种钴呈黑色,当堆积和堆积效果打破了釉面,呈现出黑色斑点或银色反射,而不是棕色,那应该是中国当地的钴,这证实了年代,因为这种钴已经有 500 多年没有使用了。盘子

尺寸约为 14 1/8" 直径。ppjrs



青花瓷 明宣德十五世纪款




Blue & White 15th C. Ming Dynasty Xuande Mark & Period Painted with Phoenix, Flowers, leaves and fruit Dish. This masterpiece has been embellished and enhanced with gilt trim. They used the imported samali blue cobalt and this cobalt has a blackish tone, and when the heaping and piling effect breaks the surface of the glaze it shows  black spots or a silvery reflection not brown that would be local Chinese cobalt, this confirms the age because this cobalt has not been available for over 500 years.

The Dish measures approx. 14 1/8" Dia. ppjrs 

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