
北宋 宫廷御用汝窑

Chinese Masterpieces

Northern Song Dynasty 1st & 2nd Commissioned

Ru Wares From the Royal Ru Kiln

世界上最重要的陶瓷 / 汝窑是中国历史上第一个由宋徽宗皇帝下令烧造瓷器的窑场,也是中国历史上第二个下令烧造御用瓷器的窑场。

These fine art 1st commissioned Official Royal Imperial Ru ware is explained and written about in ancient text, held in the Chinese Palace Museum in Taiwan describing that Emperor Huizong commissioned the Ru/ Ju Kiln to produce celadon wares that would be modest, understated, simplistic and look like the wares were from the past history. Also explained that 1st commissioned Royal Imperial wares used Rare Crushed Blue Agate in the glaze mix, (this can be seen with a 20x loupe) Rare Crushed Blue Agate has only been used in Official Royal Imperial Ru wares that were developed by Emperor Huizong. The Chinese Antique 1st commissioned Official Royal Imperial wares have many unique forms that have not been seen before and this all shows the true genius of the Ru kiln artisans. The foot rings on all 1st commissioned Official Royal Imperial Ru ware are unglazed. All of the 1st official Royal Imperial Ru wares have a fine cracked ice crackle in the glaze and these wares are also glaze on the inside. Often the 1st commissioned official Royal Imperial Ru wares have marks scratched in the base and most say feng hua, vases often have trumpet formed mouths and they are larger than the merchant and tribute wares. 1st commissioned Official Royal Imperial Ru ware have an ash colored biscuit that turns brown after firing. All of the 1st commissioned Royal Imperial Ru Ware have a fine cracked ice crackle in the glaze, these wares are also glazed on the inside. The 1st commissioned Official Royal Imperial Ru wares were made exclusively for the Emperor and his Court. Art Collector Emperor Huizong saw beauty in simplicity and he saw each of these pieces as a work of art regardless if they had any flaws all pieces stayed in the court, these wares clearly fulfilled his wishes. The 1st Official Royal Imperial Ru-vase shows a closeup photo of a drip of glaze that stuck to the foot ring and clearly shows chips of agate in in the glaze which is proof these are the legendary official Royal Imperial

wares of Emperor Huizong of Song

(click image to enlarge)

The Finest Celadon Ceramics In The World / The 2nd Commissioned Official Imperial Royal Ru Wares Are The Finest Celadon Wares China has Ever produced

Those in the Emperor's court requested finer wares so Emperor Huizong commissioned the Ru Kiln to produce the fabulous 2nd commissioned official Royal Imperial Celadon wares for him and his court, this was also written about in ancient text, The Chinese Antique 2nd commissioned Royal Imperial wares are very elegant, luxurious and beautiful, they are larger than both the merchant wares and tribute wares and all are celadon color. All 2nd commissioned Royal wares have Rare Crushed Blue Agate in the glaze.( this can be seen with a 20x loupe). Crushed Blue Agate has only been used in all Official Royal Imperial Ru wares that were developed by Emperor Huizong. The 2nd commissioned Official Royal Imperial wares have many unique forms that show the true genius of the Royal Ru kiln. The 2nd commissioned Official Royal Imperial  wares the foot rings are unglazed and they were fired flat in the kiln, and the vase shown has fire gilded over copper bands that is corroded with cuprite and malachite and this guarantees its great age and is more reliable than a TL test and used by all experts to determine authenticity of an artifact and can't be faked! All 2nd commissioned Official Royal Imperial wares are not marked. The 2nd commissioned Official Royal Imperial wares have off white biscuit that turns brownish after firing, the wares have a very rich beautiful smooth glaze without any crackle, some wares have fire gilded over copper bands and vases that have no bands also have no crackle in the glaze. All the 2nd commissioned Official Royal Imperial vases shown below that have a gilded over silver band and have a slight bit of crackle a few lines in the glaze, All these vases have gilded silver band around the rim only, also they have a darker celadon glaze with Rare Crushed Blue Agate that can be seen with a 20x loupe. and where the gild pores are they have a thick black corrosion from the silver band under the gild.

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This highly prized 1st commissioned Official Royal Imperial Ru-kiln double gourd vase is among a group of wares that were the first wares made exclusively for the Emperor Huizong and his Court. This Imperial double gourd vase measures 10 3/8" tall it has a very refined balanced form that flares out around the mouth and base. The celadon glaze used crushed agate in the mix and this can be seen with a 20x loupe. Rare crushed Blue Agate has only been used in Official Royal Imperial Ru wares that were developed by Emperor Huizong. The double gourd vase was made with a fine grayish body that has turned brown on the un-glazed foot after firing, it has fine cracked ice crackle glaze that thins out around the mouth.  This piece is from Emperor Huizong's surviving hoard of N. Song Imperial Ru-ware!!! ppjrs

(click image to enlarge) 

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  • 1st Commissioned Northern Song Dynasty Official

    Royal Imperial Ru-Kiln Beaker Vase 


    This highly prized 1st commissioned Official Royal Imperial Ru-kiln lobed beaker formed vase is among a group of wares that were the first wares made exclusively for Emperor Huizong and his court. This lobed beaker formed vase measures 8 1/8" tall it has a very refined balanced form. Around the base you can see where the rich glaze is pooling. The celadon glaze used crushed agate in the mix and this can be seen with 20x loupe. Rare crushed Blue Agate has only been used in all Official Royal Imperial Ru wares that were developed by Emperor Huizong. The lobed beaker formed Ru vase was made with a fine grayish body that turns brown after firing, it has fine cracked ice crackle glaze that can be seen using a loupe. This piece is from Emperor Huizong's surviving hoard of N. Song Imperial Ru Ware. ppjrs 

    (click image to enlarge)

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  • 北宋第一位受命官员



    这件备受推崇的首件官制汝窑梅瓶形花瓶是徽宗及其宫廷专属的第一批瓷器之一。这件梅瓶高 10 1/4 英寸,造型非常精致均衡形式。底部刻有“风华”两个字。青瓷釉料中混合了罕见的碎蓝玛瑙,用 20 倍放大镜可以看到。碎玛瑙只用于徽宗皇帝开发的官方皇家汝瓷。此梅瓶形似汝窑花瓶,胎质细腻,呈灰色,烧成后呈褐色,青瓷釉面有细密的冰裂纹,用放大镜即可看到。此件出自宋徽宗的北宋御制汝窑藏品。器皿!!!



  • 1st Commissioned Northern Song Dynasty Official

    Royal Imperial Ru-Ware Foliated Rim Vase 


    这件备受推崇的首件官制汝窑叶缘花边瓶是首批专为徽宗及其宫廷制作的器物之一。这件叶缘花边瓶高 8 3/4 英寸,非常精致的平衡形式。青瓷釉面有冰裂纹,混合物中使用了碎玛瑙,这可以用 20 倍放大镜看到。碎蓝玛瑙只用于徽宗皇帝开发的官方皇家汝瓷。叶缘花瓶采用细腻的灰色胎体制成,烧制后变成棕色。这件作品来自宋徽宗皇帝的北宋汝窑藏品。ppjrs



  • 北宋第一位受命官员



    这件备受推崇的首件官制汝窑烧杯形花瓶是首批专为徽宗皇帝和宫廷制作的器皿之一。这件烧杯形花瓶高 8 1/8 英寸,非常精致平衡形式。您可以看到丰富的釉料没有完全混合,并且显示出略多的绿色和蓝色区域。青瓷釉料中混合了罕见的碎蓝玛瑙,并有裂纹冰裂纹,这可以使用 20 倍放大镜看到碎玛瑙只用于徽宗皇帝发明的官窑汝瓷。烧杯形花瓶采用细腻的灰色胎体制成,烧制后变成棕色。这件作品来自徽宗皇帝现存的北宋御窑珍藏汝瓷。ppjrs



  • 1st Commissioned Northern Song Dynasty Official

    Royal Imperial Ru-Ware Flower Bud Vase


    This highly prized 1st commissioned Official Royal Imperial Ru-kiln flower bud formed vase is among a group of wares that were the first wares made exclusively for Emperor Huizong's and his Court. The vase is marked Feng Hua. This flower bud formed vase measures 10/3/4" tall it has a very refined balanced form. The celadon glaze has rare crushed Blue Agate in the mix, and has cracked ice crackle, this can be seen with a 20x loupe. Crushed agate has only been used in Official Royal Imperial Ru wares that were developed by Emperor Huizong. The flower bud formed vase was made with a fine grayish body that turns brown after firing. This piece is from Emperor Huizong's surviving hoard of N. Song Imperial Ru ware. ppjrs

     (click image to enlarge)

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  • 1st Commissioned Northern Song Dynasty Official

    Royal Imperial Ru-Ware Melon Form Vase 


    这件备受推崇的汝窑第一任御制葫芦形花瓶是首批专为徽宗皇帝及其宫廷制作的器物之一。这件葫芦形花瓶高 8 1/8 英寸,有一个非常精致的平衡形式。青瓷釉中混合了碎玛瑙,并有冰裂纹,可以用 20 倍放大镜看到。罕见的碎蓝玛瑙仅用于徽宗皇帝开发的官方皇家汝瓷。瓜形花瓶胎质细腻,呈灰色,烧制后呈褐色。此件作品来自宋徽宗所藏北宋汝窑。ppjrs



  • 北宋第一位受命官员



    This highly prized 1st Commissioned Official Royal Imperial Ru-kiln vase with handles and trumpet mouth is among a group of wares that were the first wares made exclusively for Emperor Huizong and his Court. This vase with handles and trumpet mouth measures 8 3/8" tall it has a very refined balanced form. You can see where the glaze was not mixed completely and shows slightly more areas of greenish and bluish. The celadon glaze has a fine cracked ice crackle, and crushed agate was used in the mix and can be seen with a 20x loupe. Rare Crushed Blue Agate has only been used in Official Royal Imperial Ru wares that were developed by Emperor Huizong. This vase has a fine grayish body that has turned brown after firing. This piece is from Emperor Huizong's surviving hoard of N. Song Imperial Ru Ware. ppjrs

    (click image to enlarge)

  • 1st Commissioned Northern Song Dynasty Official

    Royal Imperial Ru-Ware Drum Formed Vase 


    这件备受推崇的首批御制汝窑鼓形花瓶是徽宗及其宫廷专属的第一批瓷器之一。这件鼓形花瓶高 10 英寸,造型非常精致平衡喇叭口和底部周围向外展开。青瓷釉面有细碎的冰裂纹,混合物中使用了碎玛瑙,用 20 倍放大镜可以看到。碎蓝玛瑙仅用于官方皇家汝瓷宋徽宗发明的。这件鼓形花瓶的胎体为细腻的灰色,烧制后变成棕色。这件作品来自宋徽宗现存的北宋御制汝瓷藏品!!!



  • 1st Commissioned Northern Song Dynasty Official

    Royal Imperial Ru-Ware Mallet Formed Vase 


    这件备受推崇的汝窑第一任御制号口槌形瓶是首批专为徽宗及其宫廷制作的器物之一。这件槌形瓶高 10 英寸,非常精致均衡的形状,在喇叭口周围向外展开。青瓷釉面有细碎的冰裂纹,混合物中使用了碎蓝玛瑙,可以用 20 倍放大镜看到。稀有的碎蓝玛瑙只用于所有官方皇家徽宗发明的汝窑瓷器。这件木槌形花瓶胎质细腻,呈灰色,烧制后呈褐色。这件作品来自徽宗现存的




  • 北宋第二任宰相



    This highly prized 2nd Commissioned Official Royal Imperial Ru-kiln cong formed vase is among a group of wares that are the most elegant luxurious celadon wares China has ever produced. These wares were made exclusively for Emperor Huizong and his court. This cong formed vase has a spectacular celadon glaze that is very rich and smooth to the touch without any crackle and crushed agate was put in glaze mix which can be seen using a 20x loupe. Crushed agate has only been used in Official Royal Imperial Ru wares that were developed by Emperor Huizong. This cong form vase has fire gilded over copper bands on the rim and base that are corroded with cuprite and malachite and this guarantees its great age. This is more reliable than a TL test, and used by all experts to determine authenticity of an artifact, and can't be faked! The 2nd commissioned Royal cong formed vase has an off white body that turned brownish after firing.  This vase measures 7" tall, This piece is from Emperor Huizong's surviving hoard of N. Song Imperial Ru-Ware!!! ppjrs

    (click image to enlarge) 

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  • 2nd Commissioned Northern Song Dynasty Official

    Royal Imperial Ru-Ware Trumpet Formed Vase 


    This highly prized 2nd Commissioned Official Royal Imperial Ru-kiln trumpet formed vase is among a group of wares that are the most elegant luxurious celadon wares China has ever produced. These wares were made exclusively for Emperor Huizong and his court. This trumpet formed vase has a spectacular celadon glaze that is very rich and smooth to the touch without any crackle and crushed agate was put in glaze mix which can be seen using a 20x loupe. Crushed Blue Agate has only been used in Official Royal Imperial Ru wares that were developed by Emperor Huizong. This trumpet form vase has fire gilded over copper bands on the rim and base that are corroded with cuprite and malachite and this guarantees its great age. This is more reliable than a TL test, and used by all experts to determine authenticity of an artifact, and can't be faked! The 2nd commissioned Official Royal Imperial trumpet formed vase has an off white body that turned brownish after firing. This vase measures 8 3/4" tall, This piece is from Emperor Huizong's surviving hoard of N. Song Imperial Ru-Ware!!! ppjrs

    (click image to enlarge) 

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    2nd Commissioned Northern Song Dynasty Official

     Imperial Royal Ru-Kiln Vase is Rectangular with Tube Handles

    ( World Class )

    这件备受推崇的二品官窑御制长方形管耳瓶是中国有史以来最优雅奢华的青瓷器之一。这些器皿专为徽宗皇帝及其宫廷制作。这件淡青瓷花瓶的釉料非常丰富,触感光滑,釉料混合物中加入了稀有的蓝色碎玛瑙。使用 20 倍放大镜或显微镜可以轻松看到这一点。所有官方帝国瓷器都使用了稀有的碎蓝玛瑙徽宗皇帝发明的汝窑瓷器。第二次委托制作的御用花瓶,瓶身呈米白色,烧制后呈褐色。此花瓶高约 9 1/8 英寸,是徽宗皇帝现存的 N 号珍藏之一。宋代皇家汝窑瓷器!ppjrs





    ( 世界一流 )

    这件备受推崇的二品御制汝窑梨形瓶是中国有史以来最优雅奢华的青瓷器之一。这些器物专为徽宗皇帝及其宫廷制作。这件淡青瓷瓶一种壮观的釉料,非常丰富,触感光滑,釉料混合物中加入了稀有的蓝色碎玛瑙。使用 20 倍放大镜或显微镜可以轻松看到这一点。稀有的碎蓝玛瑙已被用于所有官方皇家 Ru徽宗皇帝发明的窑器。第二次委托制作的皇家花瓶有一个灰白色的瓶身,烧制后变成褐色。这个花瓶高约 9 1/8 英寸,这件作品来自徽宗皇帝现存的北宋官方藏品皇家汝窑瓷器!ppjrs



    2nd Commissioned Northern Song Dynasty Official

     Imperial Royal Ru-Kiln Meiping Vase

    ( World Class )

    This highly prized 2nd Commissioned Official Imperial Royal Ru-kiln Meiping Vase is among a group of wares that are the most elegant luxurious celadon wares China has ever produced. These wares were made exclusively for Emperor Huizong and his court. This Pale Celadon Meiping Vase has a spectacular glaze that is very rich and smooth to the touch with Rare Blue Crushed Agate that was put in the glaze mix. This can easily be seen using a 20x loupe or microscope. Rare Crushed Blue Agate has been used in all Official Imperial Royal Ru Kiln wares that were developed by Emperor Huizong. The 2nd commissioned Royal Meiping Vase has an off white body that turned brownish after firing. This vase measures approx. 7 3/4 inches tall, This piece is from Emperor Huizong's surviving hoard of Northern Song Dynasty Official Imperial Royal Ru-Kiln Wares! ppjrs

    (click image to enlarge) 

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    ( 世界一流 )

    此件汝窑二品方瓶,以花、竹、花卉、莲花为装饰,价值连城。此瓶是中国有史以来最优雅奢华的青瓷器之一。这些器物制作于专为徽宗皇帝及其宫廷而制。这款青瓷花瓶釉质精美,釉色丰富,触感光滑,釉料中加入了稀有的蓝色碎玛瑙。使用 20 倍放大镜或显微镜即可轻松看到。罕见碎蓝玛瑙被用于徽宗皇帝开发的所有官方皇家汝窑器皿。第二次委托制作的御用花瓶有一个灰白色的瓶身,烧制后变成褐色。这个花瓶高约 9 1/8 英寸,这件作品是宋徽宗所藏北宋官窑汝窑器中的一件!ppjrs





    ( 世界一流 )

    此件汝窑二品贡品立瓶备受推崇。此瓶是中国有史以来最优雅奢华的青瓷器之一。这些器皿专为徽宗皇帝及其宫廷制作。此件青瓷花瓶的釉料非常丰富,触感光滑,釉料混合物中加入了稀有的蓝色碎玛瑙。使用 20 倍放大镜或显微镜可以轻松看到这一点。所有官方产品都使用了稀有的蓝色碎玛瑙徽宗皇帝发明的汝窑瓷器。第二件御制花瓶的瓶身呈米白色,烧制后呈褐色。此花瓶高约 7 1/2 英寸,是徽宗皇帝现存的北方珍藏品之一宋代官窑御用瓷器!ppjrs





    ( 世界一流 )

    This highly prized 2nd Commissioned Official Imperial Royal Ru-kiln Phoenix Handle Vase. This Vase is among a group of wares that are the most elegant luxurious celadon wares China has ever produced. These wares were made exclusively for Emperor Huizong and his court. This Celadon Vase has a spectacular glaze that is very rich and smooth to the touch with Rare Blue Crushed Agate that was put in the glaze mix. This can easily be seen using a 20x loupe or microscope. Rare Crushed Blue Agate has been used in all Official Imperial Royal Ru Kiln wares that were developed by Emperor Huizong. The 2nd commissioned Royal Vase has an off white body that turned brownish after firing. This vase measures approx. 9 5/8 inches tall, This piece is from Emperor Huizong's surviving hoard of Northern Song Dynasty Official Imperial Royal Ru-Kiln Wares! ppjrs

    (click image to enlarge) 

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    ( 世界一流 )

    此件备受推崇的二品御制汝窑四耳柄花瓶。此件浅青瓷花瓶釉质精美,釉色丰富,触感光滑,釉料中混入了稀有的蓝色碎玛瑙。此花瓶是一组瓷器是中国有史以来最优雅奢华的青瓷器。这些瓷器是专为徽宗皇帝及其宫廷制作的。这件淡青瓷花瓶釉色绚丽,非常丰富,触感光滑,带有罕见的蓝色碎花釉料混合物中加入的玛瑙。用 20 倍放大镜或显微镜可以轻松看到。徽宗皇帝开发的所有官方皇家汝窑器皿都使用了罕见的碎蓝玛瑙。第二个委托的皇家花瓶有一个灰白色瓶身,烧制后变成褐色。此花瓶尺寸约为。 8 1/8 英寸高,此件作品来自宋徽宗皇帝的北宋官窑瓷器珍藏!ppjrs





    ( 世界一流 )

    This highly prized 2nd Commissioned Official Royal Imperial Ru-kiln rams head vase is among a group of wares that are the most elegant luxurious celadon wares China has ever produced. These wares were made exclusively for Emperor Huizong and his court. This ram head vase has a spectacular celadon glaze that is very rich and smooth to the touch with slight crackle a few lines and crushed agate was put in glaze mix which can be seen using a 20x loupe. Crushed Blue Agate has only been used in Official Royal Imperial Ru wares that were developed by Emperor Huizong. This rams head vase has fire gilded over silver bands on the rim that is corroded with thick black corrosion where the gild has worn. The 2nd commissioned Royal rams head vase has an off white body that turned brownish after firing. This vase measures 9" tall, This piece is from Emperor Huizong's surviving hoard of N. Song Imperial Ru-Ware!!! ppjrs

    (click image to enlarge) 

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  • 2nd Commissioned Northern Song Dynasty Official Royal

    Imperial Ru-Ware Vase With Elephant Handles


    这件备受推崇的二品御制汝窑象耳瓶是中国有史以来最精美奢华的青瓷器之一。这些器物专为徽宗皇帝及其宫廷制作。这件瓶有一个壮观的青瓷釉质非常丰富,触感光滑,略带裂纹,釉料中加入了碎玛瑙,使用 20 倍放大镜可以看到。碎玛瑙仅用于官方皇家汝瓷,这种汝瓷是由徽宗所制。这只象柄花瓶边缘镀金,边缘镀银,镀金处已腐蚀,表面有厚厚的黑色锈蚀。第二只官制皇家花瓶的瓶身呈米白色,烧制后变成褐色。这只花瓶高 8 7/8 英寸,此件作品来自宋徽宗尚存的北宋御用汝瓷收藏!!! ppjrs






    这件备受推崇的二品御制汝窑龙纹花瓶是中国有史以来最优雅奢华的青瓷器之一。这些器皿专为徽宗皇帝及其宫廷制作。这件龙纹花瓶壮观的青瓷釉质非常丰富,触感光滑,略带裂纹,釉料中加入了碎玛瑙,使用 20 倍放大镜可以看到。碎玛瑙仅用于官方皇家汝瓷,这种汝瓷是由由徽宗所制。此龙纹花瓶边缘镀金,银边上有镀金线,镀金线磨损处有厚厚的黑色锈蚀。第二件官制皇家花瓶的瓶身呈米白色,烧制后变成褐色。此龙纹花瓶高 8 5/8 英寸,是宋徽宗所藏北宋官窑瓷器中的一件! ppjrs



    2nd Commissioned Northern Song Dynasty Official

    Royal Imperial Ru-Ware Tiger Vase 


    This highly prized 2nd Commissioned Official Royal Imperial Ru-kiln tiger vase with is among a group of wares that are the most elegant luxurious celadon wares China has ever produced. These wares were made exclusively for Emperor Huizong and his court. This tiger vase has a spectacular celadon glaze that is very rich and smooth to the touch with slight crackle a few lines and crushed agate was put in glaze mix which can be seen using a 20x loupe. Rare Blue Crushed Agate has only been used in all Official Royal Imperial Ru wares that were developed by Emperor Huizong. This tiger vase has fire gilded over silver bands on the rim that is corroded with thick black corrosion where the gild has worn. The 2nd commissioned Official Royal Imperial Vase has an off white body that turned brownish after firing. This tiger vase measures 8 1/2" tall, This piece is from Emperor Huizong's surviving hoard of N. Song Imperial Ru-Ware!!! ppjrs

    (click image to enlarge) 

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  • 北宋第二任钦差大臣



    这件备受推崇的二品御制汝窑龙纹花瓶是中国有史以来最优雅奢华的青瓷器之一。这些器皿专为徽宗皇帝及其宫廷制作。这件龙纹花瓶拥有壮观的青瓷釉,釉质丰富,触感光滑,略带裂纹,釉料中加入了碎玛瑙,使用 20 倍放大镜即可看到。碎蓝玛瑙仅用于官方皇家汝瓷徽宗皇帝发明的龙柄花瓶。此龙柄花瓶边缘镀金,边缘镀银,镀金处已腐蚀,表面有厚厚的黑色锈蚀。第二件官制皇家花瓶的瓶身呈米白色,烧制后变成褐色。此件龙柄花瓶高 9 1/4 英寸,是宋徽宗所藏北宋官窑瓷器中存世量最大的一件!!! ppjrs



    2nd Commissioned Northern Song Dynasty Official Royal

    Imperial Ru-Ware Double Fish Vase


    This highly prized 2nd Commissioned Official Royal Imperial Ru-kiln double fish vase with is among a group of wares that are the most elegant luxurious celadon wares China has ever produced. These wares were made exclusively for Emperor Huizong and his court. This double fish vase has a spectacular celadon glaze that is very rich and smooth to the touch with slight crackle a few lines and crushed agate was put in glaze mix which can be seen using a 20x loupe. Crushed Blue Agate has only been used in all Official Royal Imperial Ru wares that were developed by Emperor Huizong. This double fish vase has fire gilded over silver bands on the rim that is corroded with thick black corrosion where the gild has worn. The 2nd commissioned Official Royal Imperial Vase has an off white body that turned brownish after firing. This double fish vase measures 9 1/4" tall, This piece is from Emperor Huizong's surviving hoard of N. Song Imperial Ru-Ware!!! ppjrs

    (click image to enlarge) 

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    2nd Commissioned Northern Song Dynasty Official Royal

    Imperial Ru-Ware Wavy Rim Vase


    这件备受推崇的二品御制汝窑波纹口瓶是中国有史以来最优雅奢华的青瓷器之一。这些器皿专为徽宗皇帝及其宫廷制作。这件波纹口瓶拥有壮观的青瓷釉,非常丰富,触感光滑,略带裂纹,釉料中加入了碎玛瑙,使用 20 倍放大镜可以看到。碎蓝玛瑙只用于所有官方皇家御用瓷器徽宗皇帝发明的瓷器。这件波浪边花瓶在边缘的银带上镀金,镀金磨损处有厚厚的黑色腐蚀。第二件官方皇家花瓶的瓶身呈米白色,在经过射击。此件波浪边花瓶高 9 1/4 英寸,是宋徽宗尚存的北宋御制汝瓷珍藏之一!!! ppjrs



    2nd Commissioned Northern Song Dynasty Official Royal

    Imperial Ru-Ware Double Gourd Vase


    这件备受推崇的二品御制汝窑葫芦瓶是中国有史以来最优雅奢华的青瓷器之一。这些器皿专为徽宗皇帝及其宫廷制作。这件葫芦瓶拥有壮观的青瓷釉,釉质丰富,触感光滑,略带裂纹,釉料中加入了碎玛瑙,使用 20 倍放大镜可以看到。碎玛瑙仅用于官方皇家汝瓷,是由徽宗皇帝发明的。这只葫芦瓶在边缘镀金,边缘的银带上镀金,镀金磨损处有厚厚的黑色锈蚀。第二只御制花瓶的瓶身呈米白色,烧制后变成褐色。此件双葫芦瓶高 9 1/4 英寸,是宋徽宗所藏北宋官窑器物之一!!! ppjrs



  • 北宋第二任宰相



    这件备受推崇的二品御制汝窑狮柄瓶是中国有史以来最优雅奢华的青瓷器之一。这些器皿专为徽宗皇帝及其宫廷制作。这件狮柄瓶拥有壮观的青瓷釉,非常丰富,触感光滑,略带裂纹,釉料中加入了碎玛瑙,使用 20 倍放大镜可以看到。碎蓝玛瑙只用于所有官方皇家御用瓷器徽宗皇帝发明的瓷器。这只狮柄花瓶在边缘镀金,边缘的银带上镀金,镀金磨损处有厚厚的黑色锈蚀。第二只官方委托的皇家花瓶有一个米白色的瓶身,在经过射击。此件狮柄花瓶高 9 1/4 英寸,是宋徽宗所藏北宋官窑瓷器中存世量最大的一件!!! ppjrs



    2nd Commissioned Northern Song Dynasty Official

    Royal Imperial Ru-Ware Plant Vase


    这件备受推崇的二品御制汝窑花瓶是中国有史以来最优雅奢华的青瓷器之一。这些器皿专为徽宗皇帝及其宫廷制作。这件花瓶有一个壮观的青瓷釉质,质地丰富,触感光滑,略带裂纹,釉料中加入了碎玛瑙,使用 20 倍放大镜即可看到。碎蓝玛瑙只用于所有官方皇家汝瓷器中,是由徽宗皇帝发明的。这款花瓶边缘镀金,边缘为银带,镀金处已腐蚀,表面有厚厚的黑色锈蚀。第二件官制皇家花瓶的瓶身为米白色,烧制后变成褐色。此花瓶高 8 5/8 英寸,是宋徽宗尚存的北宋御制汝瓷珍藏之一!!! ppjrs



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