





彼得·库姆斯 (Peter Combs) 发表了一篇诽谤我和我的网站的帖子。

我回复了!他自称是古代和古铜器专家我向 Peter Combs 解释说,赤铜和孔雀石腐蚀是无法伪造的。我在他的论坛上发布了我北宋汝瓷镀金铜带腐蚀的特写照片。Peter Combs 说这是伪造的,然后他用自己的铜鼎发布了我复制的照片,Peter Combs 说铜鼎是赝品,大约在 2000-2005 年制造。并且铜绿也是伪造的,他声称他可以轻易复制这种铜绿。Combs 多年来一直使用上述铜鼎,它是真的!你可以在他最后一张特写照片中轻松看到葡萄状孔雀石。要欺骗收藏家并告诉他们他们的青铜器是假的,需要很大的诡计。

Below : This is a corroded copper water pipe, this corrosion will crumble in your hands and Peter Combs claims it's the same Cuprite and Malachite crystals as on his Ancient Bronze Ding that he claims is fake, and it is authentic! This deceives collectors to believe that he's a expert. There is a lot of Dealers like Peter Combs that have the guile to use this type of thing fool collectors and this only helps the cabal to control the market place buy keeping often the finest pieces out of the market.

This is copper corrosion it will crumble in your hands and Peter thinks is malachite and cuprite crystals it’s this is exactly the deception they pull on collectors to control the market place.

Peter Combs 的铜鼎是正品

在他的推送中,Peter Combs 试图使用铜管腐蚀的例子,但这不是我所指的赤铜矿和孔雀石。您在铜水管上看到的那种腐蚀非常脆,会在您手中剥落或碎裂。下面是一排特写照片,向您展示了 RU WARE 铜烧镀金带上的赤铜矿和孔雀石腐蚀。(用金和汞进行火镀金,然后用火将汞金属驱除。这种镀金自 1800 年中期以来就不再使用,因为它非常危险)这种铜绿花了大约 900 年的时间才在带子上形成,这是无法伪造的。

(摘自 David Scott 所著《艺术中的铜和青铜》(第 3 章第 106 页,青铜锈迹中的孔雀石)

(金属到赤铜矿再到孔雀石的自然转变过程在实验室中很难复制。事实上,大多数在铜合金上产生人造绿色铜锈的配方,如 Hughes 和 Rowe (1982) 编写的配方,都不会导致在赤铜矿层上形成孔雀石。因此,这种腐蚀的存在,加上分析和金相研究的支持,可以很好地表明一件文物的真实性。)



作者鲍勃·琼斯 (Bob Jones) 曾获得卡内基矿物学奖,是 Rockhound 名人堂成员,自 Rock & Gem 创刊以来一直为其撰稿。他讲授矿物相关课程,并撰写过多本书籍和视频脚本。


Closely see the tiny round Botryoidal Malachite on the coin

This is a Microscopic photo of one of the Ru Ware Fire Gilded Copper Bands, shows the "Botryoidal Malachite Patina over the reddish Cuprite."This can not be Faked. (From the book Copper and bronze in art by David Scott) (chapter 3 page 106 Malachite in bronze patinas) (The natural transition of metal to cuprite to malachite is very difficult to replicate in the laboratory. In fact, most of the recipes for producing artificial green patinas on copper alloys, such as those compiled by Hughes and Rowe (1982), do not result in malachite formation over a cuprite layer. Consequently, the existence of this type of corrosion, supported by analytical and metallographic studies, is a good indication of the authenticity of an artifact.)


    Click On Video Clip Proves Botryoidal Malachite Can't Be Faked! No one  has ever faked this Botryoidal malachite patina only happens in nature. This Guaranties Authenticity Of This Imperial Royal Ru Ware Collection

    Bidamount forum

    Slanderous post about me and my site I responded!

     And they deleted pages to hide the truth

       Look below to see some of the pages they deleted.

    Peter Combs Bidamount is #1 seller of Low End provincial pieces on the internet, these pieces are not made for Imperial use and have little real collectable value, the Chinese made billions of them and they're still making them today. It seems Peter Combs has become the major auction houses cheerleading mouth piece he's a former auctioneer and apparently spends his time telling unsuspecting collectors that he can tell at a glance of a photo a real piece from a fake, he is all over the place he shows photos of two pieces both authentic and he'll say one fake and the other is authentic and this really confuses collectors but makes him look like a genius, If he knew anything he would have a great collection where is it, notice the pieces he pushes are his friends and the major auction houses. This guy is very dangerous if you follow his advise. Peter Combs will never tell the truth about any fine or important pieces that clash with what the major auction houses are selling he'll just say there all fakes, and this keeps the Major auction houses happy because they know there are many fine important pieces in the marketplace. And Peter Combs is happy they'll just let him go on selling all the Low End provincial pieces he can because they will never sell those pieces anyway because they know the truth about those pieces. The actual truth is each artisan has a different skill level and there were very few artisans that were masters this is why you often see pieces that are authentic but are not as well done because of the skill factor and these corrupted experts will tell you it's a fake and this is what confuses collectors. I'm not saying there are not fakes in the market place but they stand out like a sore thumb and most are poor quality provincial pieces because there easier to fake. Collectors must be able to discern what is a Masterpiece. There are some honest people that just don't know the truth because they have often been taught by the corrupt people and just go along with the false narrative. And there are those who know the truth but are too afraid to speak up because if you don't follow their false narrative you will be black listed, this evil communist tactic seems to have taken hold in all walks of life right now.



    从 1 到超过 3400 这可能有助于查明真相

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